uluru = dead duck, page-88

  1. 25,626 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    Yes the Bradshaws and various other references from aboriginals regarding people who were not from their race also the Mungo Lake people of which every time there is any investigation the story changes. Any further DNA testing is not allowed

    It is not my intention to rewrite history but to bring light to little considered or deliberately obscured aspects of the story.

    I have in my lifetime seen many examples of re-written history so I am very critical of that aspect of "discovery" I also do not believe that there is any way that an accurate story can be told down through the ages by word of mouth accurately. A bit like the Chinese whisper game

    We have enough problems with the written history of Europeans so to be dogmatic about a 400000 year verbal history is obviously impossible

    Is it your contention that Cook misinformed his superiors about life in Australia?
    Do you believe that he knew of the rock lines?

    Given conditions of today it is easy to look at Google Earth and actually see signs of habitation but in Cooks day it was a tad more difficult

    So you have your version that it was a lie and I have my version that if I was making the decision in the 1700s I would be saying that there is no evidence of population of the country

    So good luck with your work and I hope that you do discover more about the "true" history of the country but to be very careful about re-writing it because as a researcher (which I presume you are) you job is to find information and to put it out to the world without making any conclusions and opinions to be fact
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