4 Corners paints muslims as victims

  1. 10,415 Posts.
    Your ABC has shown appalling judgment again with tonight's 4 Corners.

    They pinched a BBC doc, hosted by a young British woman, a second generation Pakistani muslim, to investigate division in French society post Charlie Hedbo. The journalist fronts up with her hijab which she admits she can forgo, but it causes her "pain" to do so.

    Predictably, we have interviews such as one with a few young muslim women who freely admit they started wearing hijab and full face coverings after they were outlawed in public places in France, just to be provocative!! Go figure. She sees justification for such behaviour.

    She talks about terrorism incitement laws introduced in France and then wails about a few examples she says are outrageous. For example, men who are detained for unrelated matters and incite provocation by saying to police that they wished the Charlie Hedbo terrorists had killed more people ...... she thought it discriminatory that they were charged for such incitement. There were other examples equally deserved of recriminations she thought were outrageous.

    The ABC chose this garbage simply to be provocative. It was pseudo intellectual porn disguised as serious journalism. The journalist actually displayed empathy for those provoked by Hedbo cartoons of "the prophet".

    Your ABC is out of control.
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