Abbotts Gone, page-44

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    That is the point that the left refuse to face...the ALP were in Government for 6 whole years and this gay crap was even dismissed by the leader of the handbag hit squad Gillard. Plibersek, Roxon, Wong, just sat back and said no more about it, their queen had spoken.

    Now every five minutes the dumb left come up with a new curve ball to throw at the LNP looking to take the focus off their own total lack of any substance or policy.

    Never ever do we hear anything from the left about the economy going backwards and the lack of growth....even the Coalition has stopped talking about it due to the left banging on and on about negativity.

    Every day now I speak to both small and large business owners who are on their knees, hanging on by the skin of their teeth.
    Many businesses have seen their turnover fall by up to 75% over the past 12 months. And what do we hear from Canberra? Nothing, nothing but hot air and BS. While the useless Greens and activists blockade and stop developments and new enterprises.

    I had a coffee with another bloke today nearly in tears as his business is going under due to no work. He showed me a yard full of trucks and equipment near by...the owner had "necked" himself on the weekend as he was so far behind and the future to him looked so bad he obviously saw taking his life as the best option rather than face bankruptcy.
    I am meeting with a bloke tomorrow for a coffee who's business is also on it's knees, but will not give up because the prospects are worse to do so.
    All these people have had to let their employees go, they cannot afford to employ anymore as there isn't sufficient income.

    Unless someone recognises we are in dire straits real soon and the need to change and focus on real issues rather than politicians rorting taxpayers, and poofters marrying each other, then as far as I am concerned bring in the ALP...the country will be rooted so what difference would it make.

    It would be no worse for the country for the ALP to be in Government and up the borrowing and crazy spending on thought bubbles and BS policy to make people feel good. Bring on Bill's 50% renewable energy target and watch the stupid trade unions wake up to the fact that not only are their members are all losing their jobs, but the cash flow is drying more businesses to extort money more jobs for blue collar workers.

    Who cares if Tony Abbott is gone as head and the rest of the lefties salivate for...he is the only one who stands for some thing, the left's choice Bill S stands for nothing...he will change his mind by the minute if it means a vote.

    I feel for anybody under 50 who has to work for another decade or more, the future here looks very grim...
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