Mark Kenny -A widespread public perception of bias, page-5

  1. 7,016 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Cookie' I disagree doubly in that is not a good article and in that the "win for the Abbott gov't" now will help the Coalition because everyone, even semi-literate bogan voters, will probably be exposed eventually to some News about what the TURC is and the extensive criminal union conduct it is exposing.

    This is a grammatically poorly written article as well as one which is littered with lies and falsehoods.
    One short sentence was factual, but the reasons why were false; this one below,
    Heydon's verdict was to some extent inevitable.

    Every other sentence was basically, one long profound lie, building lie upon an initial lie in a vain attempt to weave an elaborate web of lies proving to create only a weak shell of facade which, to even a layman's eye, lacked credible depth of substance.
    no welter of evidence;
    no clearly established widespread public perception of bias;
    no evidence so therefore not on the part of the Royal Commissioner either;
    nothing brushed off as irrelevant because nothing to be brushed off and even if there had been 'a welter' the process was hardly what I'd perceive as a cursory 'brush off' exercise.

    A welter of evidence clearly establishing a widespread public perception of bias on the part of the royal commissioner into trade union corruption has been brushed off as irrelevant by the highest legal authority charged with assessing it; the royal commissioner himself.

    Is this Kenny a professional scribe?
    When a judge is asked to rule on his or her self - especially on questions of impartiality,
    "When a judge is asked to rule on his ... self" ? ... himself surely!

    Do you say "him or herself" or "his or herself"? |
    Best Answer: him and herself
    shows possession while herself does not show possession. Him and herself can be used as nouns.
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