john howard's moment of truth, page-5

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Chuck - berate us all you want. The wars' been fought - the good guys won and the Labour party is as they say in the US a lame-duck - make that a dead duck!

    And keep wishing for that rising up and the troops meeting some disaster so our casualties rise!!

    On those polls these two are thr scary ones for me.

    One shows an absolute head-in-the-sand approach to the vicissitudes of world power and other suggesting almoost a 1/4 of the respondents wish BOB FRIGGIN BROWN to lead Australia in a war - can you just imagine that !!?!?!?!?!

    Who's the greater threat to world peace?

    North Korea - 11%
    Iraq - 11%
    al-Qaeda - 13%
    Israel - 6%
    United States - 57%
    Great Britain - 0%
    Russia - 0%
    China - 1%
    None of the above - 1%
    Total Votes: 4964 Poll date: 26/02/03
    Related: Only 'full disarmament' can avert war: Bush

    If Australia goes to war, who would you prefer as leader?

    John Howard - 31%
    Simon Crean - 16%
    Peter Costello - 4%
    Jenny Macklin - 3%
    Bob Brown - 24%
    None of the above - 21%
    Total Votes: 2739 Poll date: 19/02/03
    Related: Australia backs US on new ultimatum
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