Fairfax leading jihad to down Abbott Government, page-5

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Here you go cry baby, get your mojo-handle on these examples of FewFacts jihad.

    Examples of that Fairfax jihad:

    1/ Just last Saturday, Fairfax political correspondent falsely claimed Tony Abbott had personally ordered border force officials to stop citizens in the the street to demand papers.

    2/ Just the week before, The Age falsely claimed a Liberal candidate was a possible war criminal.

    3/ Earlier this year Fairfax falsely claimed a homophobic Abbott had snubbed a gay man he actually took to dinner instead.

    4/ Before that, The Age falsely implied Abbott’s Treasurer was corrupt.

    5/ And, in an all-purpose rant, Fairfax serial abuser and demoniser Peter Hartcher is so deranged by Abbott hatred that he sees only a Prime Monster:

    … delivered a scripted, studied slur ... calculated to offend ... knowingly sowing ** ... waged a furious assault on anyone daring to speak in defence of refugees ... become a serial abuser of one minority after another ... gone from unifier to divider ... conducting serial provocations of Australia’s minorities ... temper tantrums ... a continuously dismaying symbol of disunity ... a demoniser in the service of the basest of politics.
    And consider this example of the ABC’s jihad, from reader S:
    I listened to AM this morning and heard two interviews, Penny Wong and another interview with Scott Morrison .

    The tenor of the interviews was rather different…

    Length of interview

    Wong – 8.22
    Morrison – 9.39
    Number of questions:
    Wong – 12 questions
    Morrison – 22 questions
    Number of interruptions:
    Wong – 5 interruptions
    Morrison –20 interruption

    Reader Dan comes up with two blatant examples of the ABC shopping for opinions from the usual Abbott-hating extremists in its war against the Abbott Government:

    Listening to ABC PM last evening reporting on the day’s event this formed part of the story;

    ‘Dyson Heydon’s disclosure has been widely mocked on Twitter. Commentator Mike Carlton asked, “Is it true, as alleged, that Dyson Heydon doesn’t use a computer...writes it all in longhand?” ‘

    How is what commentator Carlton thinks relevant?
    There is also this on the ABC this morning:
    Greg Barns, a barrister and a spokesman for the Australian Lawyers Alliance, said it was “hard to see” how a judge could judge himself.
    “From the community’s perspective, it’s hard to see how a judge and royal commissioner can sit in his or her own case, in effect judge himself or herself, and that’s exactly what’s happened here and I think this ruling ought to be a catalyst for reform,” he said.’

    Ex-journalist Mike Carlton, one of the most spiteful tweeters of the Left, is now someone to quote on AM? Greg Barns, the bile-full former Greens candidate, is someone with an opinion worth repeating? Seriously?

    The only reason you’d ask either man’s opinion on the Abbott Government is to have them abuse it.
    The ABC is just an echo-chamber of its own prejudices.

    PS: memo to Barns. Heydon in his judgment explained why he was sitting in judgement of himself - because that is where complaints are customarily heard at first - and went on to explain that the next step was to appeal the decision in another court, in this case the Federal Court. The spokesman for something called the Australian Lawyers Alliance should know this is the standard process, and should explain it rather than join in the crude jeering of it.
    Last edited by etherazer: 01/09/15
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