European Muslim Migrations -Failed muslim societies, page-6

  1. 61 Posts.
    The Syrian refugees are due entirely to the French who insisted upon deposing the Assad regime. The U.S. Of course agreed. The Saudis laughed.
    If Assad were allowed to suppress the Muslim Brotherhood, there would be zero refugees. Syria was an orderly law abiding state until...the West tried to impose their belief system on them.

    Since the Arab Spring.... Name me one country which is better off.. Just one...

    The sad and dangerous part about this Muslim mass migration will be the new-Nazi backlash in Germany. We do not ever want to see the Nazis in ascendancy again but it will happen. Nothing more certain. There is only so much the average person can take before succumbing to madmen populist politicians.

    (Same will happen here... A lot of working people are just as frustrated and angry and looking for a messiah. Not a good thing. We never want to see nazis in this country... Note to SHY and the Greens and Plibersek.. You can only push so hard before the "boguns" push back and it will be ugly)
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