Australia’s Brutal Treatment of Migrants ny times, page-49

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Just keep your shallow and offensive insults to yourself, Chuck and others, slavering over this New York Times re-hash of some raving Lefty/Greeny here - going over VERY old, infertile ground. or has some bright spark been reading a recent "Crikey" re-gurgitative article on tis subject -over his/her New York fashion coffee and bagels - and thought - I'm short of ideas! So I'll put up this old tripe. Seems it's fashionable, I see, down in OZ - to bash their current Prime Minister. Attribute all to him, as HIS fault. Even the snow and rain? Dog choked on a bone? He looked at his watch? Winked? Brushed a gnat or a grub off Scott Morrison's shirt? He dares be HUMAN?

    New York Tmes should mind it's OWN business. UN HQ there - which I've been to - as have others) - all 3rd world countries lecturing the West how to live. When they themselves oversee some of the most appalingly cruel and dictatorial regimes ever known to man.

    I semll kow-towing to Obama as the agenda ehind this stitch up!

    And suppose knowing thousands drown at sea (as they DID here- and ARE now - in the Mediterranean) is the way to go.

    Perhaps they would be more well occupied directing their spiteful ire onto Syria, and the whole plethora of Islamist Middle East countries - ruled by despots and so-called "religious purist" impostors, and murderous regimes, (ISIS now the most dire world endangering threat! - but the world is blind to it) - start some sreeching headlines condeming these radical ISlamist regimes!

    For these evil cults are the ones denying these fleeing people their birthrights - 0f being able to live happy lives, in stable, within their own economically and viable and productive countries, countries they love.

    Met a young Iranian trainee heart surgeon - an extremely intillgent oung man - from an obviously wealthy Iranian family - he told us of his LOVE of his vountry - whioch he says is the best in the world - EXCEPT for the current regime, the reason he and his family emigrated here. But his heart's entirely back there.

    Clean out their OWN "houses"! And then enjoy living in them - totally happy under their own cultures. Get out the brooms - and clear out the filthy scums who have commandeered these cultures - eliminate these murderers, crooks, and physcopathic sociopaths - totally EVIl leaders - running these places. The UN would best to something to help THAT!

    Yes. New York Times - turn your angry spleen onto your own - this totally useless, always preaching - never acting - farce of a UN! Who sit, watch and do absolutely NOTHING! ABout the true evils of this world. The UN meave out and out murdering thugs to rampage on. Do nothing about it. Ever. Just this endless useless talk, talk, talk.

    To accuse Aussies of lack of compassion is the absolute pits. To do so for political gain, advantage and point scoring, to win some (bloody) election - to me is the despths of total insult of our population - and morally reprehensible.

    Of course ABC's wetting themselves over this latest putrid paternalistic insult to Australia's moral integrity.. That's what we're paying them for. Mark Scott to our dogmatic rescue - he speaks - no, dictates - ditto Fairfax newsrooms,a d more particulay, their news editors, and what, we, what, give in?

    e.g. Channel 9 - radio ads - for last nights evening news - we heard about "Abbott's gaffe over the
    ISIS comment. An hour later, this usual hate slur aginst him, now de rigeur for the Left, had been upgraded - to "Abbott's NASTY gaffe over the ISIS comment!"
    A minor example, in the context of this post, but this HAte ABbott army are trying foul means, most of them subtle. Lane Calcutt (spelling) Channel 9 political reporter - always editorialising the news to the LEFT song book. The inference here being - we're all too supid to notice!

    I for one resent this ruling the roost condescnding and lying Leftist ruled newsrooms' attitudes - this hate of anything, anyone Right now becoming a sick obsession - putting us all in the realm of stupid, unthinking and useless malleable SHEEP! Obama seen as some all-knowing Oracle - which he most definitely is NOT.

    Yes, stick it up your jumper. New York Times. (And note - too - this is VERY old "news!") eer offer a peep about the worl evils now happening under the guise of radical "ISLAM". Horrors umentionable? If dewpt on - cause for deep depression - about just WHEERE this world's headed. In it's deathly silence - what, tolerant of the REAL actual world menace. Eivdeince of which we now see daily - in these fleeing floods all heading for Europe.

    We stopped the boats (AND the drownings - 1200 or so, in our waters) - or hadn't you noticed?)

    New Yorkers always very "up themselves", and feeling themselves totally intellectually and morally "sophisticated and superior."

    And I love America. In general. But New York is NOT shopping, at Macy's - much as shallow greedy shoppers protest.

    But God, this is becoming a horrible world. We don't live in a society any more. We live in an economy. Now one allowed any opposing opinion. You listen, and I'll tell you what you are allowed to think - the new mass media mantra.
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