A list of names that voted out the PM.

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    List of MPs who voted for Malcolm Turnbull in Australian PM spill

    BY REDBAITER on SEPTEMBER 15, 2015 • ( 2 )
    I suspect the lowlife in the Liberal Party who betrayed Tony Abbot have severely misjudged public sentiment. All the feedback on social media and talkback radio projects a deep rage within the electorate at Malcolm Turnbull and his actions. This rage is not only targeting Turnbull, its directed at Julie Bishop and many of the others who were complicit in back stabbing Abbot. Even Scott Morrison is receiving flack for not being more outwardly supportive.
    I think the Australian voters are entitled to know the names of each of those Liberal politicians who had a hand in driving the knife into Abbott’s back. So far, that information is not easy to come upon, so I have decided to compile a list here of the names I know. I will add to them as more information comes to hand.
    (if readers have any knowledge on these names maybe they could add them to comments section and I will update this post when I can)
    List of backstabbers (not including Turnbull, but including Dean Smith and Michael Ronaldson who arrived too late for the vote but have said they would have voted for Turnbull). This makes 55 names all up.
    Kelly O’Dwyer
    Arthur Sinodinos
    George Brandis
    Christopher Pyne
    Ian McFarlane
    Julie Bishop
    Scott Ryan
    Mitch Fifield
    James McGrath
    Simon Birmingham
    Marise Payne
    Stuart Robert
    Paul Fletcher
    Steve Ciobo
    Dean Smith (missed vote but would have voted for Turnbull)
    Michael Ronaldson (missed vote but would have voted for Turnbull)
    Wyatt Roy
    Mal Brough
    Peter Hendy
    Lucy Wick
    Sharman Stone
    Alex Hawke
    Jane Prentice
    Bronwyn Bishop
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