Wake up and smell the roses, page-55

  1. 16,819 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 356
    That's the unmentionable point that I can't get over Dex . No one in this country is allowed to be pro coal yet it is the only way to lift the masses in India from poverty . Well ,the only economically viable way.

    My kids are all smart kids but they've been completely hijacked by the Greens and quote the wackiest ideas and principles as if they have some god given right to determine what is in the greater good for mankind when they're from a privileged background and never had to worry about their warmth shelter or economic circumstances for a millisecond . And they're living in a country where none of these issues are remotely relevant ,despite all the best efforts to paint a picture of a country in ecological peril . It's completely laughable.

    What makes me despise the Greens is that they seem to have infiltrated the young inner city dwellers with a Hitler youth type fervour ,but when challenged on any of the matters statistically and socially are unable to put up a coherent case,let alone any data,to indicate that their armageddon ideas have substance . I really do worry about the way they have a fervent adherence to these matters ,it's dangerous .

    Obviously there needs to be room to cater for all ideas ,no one is 100% right,we all need to learn from each other ,but I've yet to observe anyone in this country in a leadership role from the Greens movement of any experience or balance in the way the see the world ,with a practical mindset as to how there is to be an improvement in the living standards of the majority . Di Natale is a vast improvement ,he's at least intelligent ,but he still spews out the venom pills when he gets challenged on any detail.

    They always cough it up where historical data ,practical solutions and the living standards of 70% of the world are concerned ,but of course that rarely gets reported with any accuracy in the search for a headline ,something the Greens are past masters at
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