LYC 2.76% $6.33 lynas rare earths limited

Lynas Weighs Molycorp Bid as Rare Earths Suitors Open Talks (Article}, page-12

  1. 293 Posts.
    I am just happy we are discussing the possibilty of LYC acquiring Moly...who would have thought that was even a possibility at any time over the 12 months, given all the Jack Lifton rubbish that was being spruiked on this forum
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Mkt cap ! $5.916B
Open High Low Value Volume
$6.24 $6.34 $6.21 $36.31M 5.728M

Buyers (Bids)

No. Vol. Price($)
1 8930 $6.32

Sellers (Offers)

Price($) Vol. No.
$6.33 18694 5
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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