Army chaplains hat badge offensive to Muslims, page-8

  1. 17,248 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 416
    Actually, in my opinion, Christians should be offended at that motto as well. That motto wreaks more of the emperor Constantine's version of Christianity for the Roman empire than it does the version taught in the bible.

    Pure Christianity teaches:

    1. Love your enemies
    2. Turn the other cheek
    3. As you sow so shall you reap
    4. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword
    5. If a town rejects your message of the gospel shake the dust from your sandals and move on.

    Jesus did not tell anyone to go and conquer in his name. True mystics all realize one thing and that is that all humanity is connected. This is why Christianity was for all men and not just the Jews. This is why Mohammad taught in the Quran "if you kill one person you kill all of humanity".

    However no matter how many times a prophet comes with this message for mankind we always manage to succumb to the illusion of separation and collapse back into primitive tribal thinking. Jesus would roll over in his grave if he knew that nations were going forth to conquer in his name but nations have been going forth to conquer in the name of Jesus since the time of Emperor Constantine. This has made Christianity a laughing stock and it is little wonder that so many people have thrown the baby (the message) out with the bathwater (the corruption of the message). In both world wars Christian holy men from both sides were blessing the troops and telling them all that God was on their side and would give them the victory. This makes a mockery of the message of Christ and reduces it to nothing more than a tool of propaganda.

    Leave the propaganda and rah rah morale boosting to the generals and politicians. The message coming from Chaplains should not be "in this sign conquer" but rather a message that reflects the sentiment that no matter what hell is going on around you no one can rob you of the peace that surpasses understanding that is within you.
    Last edited by NineLives: 21/11/15
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