Army chaplains hat badge offensive to Muslims, page-138

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    That is an extremely naive and unrealistic perspective. Many Muslims live here and they are quite happy to obey the laws of the land. We have actual HC posters who are Muslims who have emigrated here from Muslim countries who have tried themselves repeatedly to make that point. They must obey the laws of the land. No one here wanted to hear that because that would mean they would have slightly less excuse to hate.I note that they don't post anymore on this subject. They must have given up in disgust.

    Some Australian Muslims are, like the rest of us, third and fourth generation Australians. Where do they go?? Why would you want to alienate them and unnecessarily create enemies?? I am not saying bring in shariah law or that we should have special Muslim swimming pools but for God sake can't we end the hostile rhetoric and at least have some civil negotiation.

    You people who claim to be Christian astound me. You get all fired up when someone challenges some of the more ridiculous myths that have become part of the ideology yet you ignore the most fundamental tenets that Christ himself taught (Did I do good this time with "that" word)

    "If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

    You would choose to ignore this particular scripture if it suits you but fire up when I say that death, resurrection and ascension are not fundamental to what Christ was trying to teach us.

    Sheesh!! and to think of all the times that you guys have told ME that I pick and choose from the bible.

    Here's one more for you: "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
    That is another thing that astounds me. You accept so many implausible myths as facts yet the very scriptures you should be taking literally you not only interpret as metaphorical but you think they don't apply to you. The last scripture is Mathew 25:40. I like this one because it speaks to the interconnection of all people and all things past, present and yet to come and in my mind it sits very well with a verse from the Quran that I mentioned earlier today. "To kill one person is to kill all of humanity"

    Whatsoever you do to your Muslim brethren you not only do to Christ but you do to me and to yourself and to anyone else reading this. So choose carefully what you say and what you do.
    Last edited by NineLives: 22/11/15
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