IM Graphite Conference | December 2015, page-32

  1. 2,672 Posts.
    "Did you see in the latest Ben Kramer Miller article on SYR "plot" on Spherical "control" that Ben made an aside reference to Asbury's with it's technical knowhow, contacts, etc was preparing to go into spherical production too ?"

    I've been wondering whether these new Asbury graphene precursor plants are actually a front for a stealth entry into the carbon black market.

    Something I remember reading seemed to suggest that it's largely similar machinery and processing to make carbon black as it is for graphene. Then there's all this geek about 2d and 3d but then that's hard to comprehend depending on what atributes of the carbon you're interpreting. Makes head sore.

    Anyway back of my mind is that these Asbury plants were 'seemingly' very cheap to build. Not 100mil but barely 10mil even. Not bad if you're doing 'niche' and not just producing carbon black for world domination of the tyre industry tyre use a crappy cheap form of carbon black - but Asbury wouldn't be capable with his plants I don't think coz he does 'boutique' and carbon black for tyres is MEGA.

    And personally I don't think Riddle much likes the pretty boys at Imerys so he wouldn't mind grass cutting some of their market share imo. Imerys did DOUBLE their carbon black production from 10kt to 20kt from memory.

    Interestingly 20kt is how big Asbury plant is from memory too.

    And that Kramer article a little weird. Asbury bullish BATTERIES but not bullish SPHERICAL?? Doesn't make sense right? If you're BULLISH something you invest in it right?

    So full circle back to my original point. I think these Asbury plants are a front for carbon black production.

    @cartex and @unicrumba even a Siberian opinion from @Utrade1234. Is it plausible that these plants could produce high end battery grade carbon black?

    Coz @Names little thinks a lament is due for the fall of Siberia. @Jaded's is my singing fat lady Cassandra hailing the fall of graphite altogether with syr reduced to a penny stock (that's about 20 cents these days kids!!!)...

    and well looking at what's happened to vxl ton ser wmn bbr lmb svm it does look like it's curtain time for the whole sector. Hell even Axe recently found out it doesnt even have graphite after looking at the sample for 3 years!! Fat lady appears to be singing. Perhaps explains why a few Siberians may be considering becoming turn coats to the very purpose of Siberia!!

    Maybe time for a cliche?

    Always darkest before the dawn?
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