Malala Shuts Down Donald Trump In The Most Elegant Way Possible, page-76

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    You sit in a democratic country that has evolved over time like many others that have improved the lot of the people and provided better security education and freedom. It didn’t come easy either as it was only a few hundred years ago that the repressions and disenfranchisements also occurred in what is term the Christian/Judaeo world.

    Atrocities were inflicted on the people in the name of the Christian religion right around the globe. I am a practising Catholic and I acknowledge the blight of both aristocracies and the power of the church through medieval times. Women were second class citizens during those times and most never achieved even the right to vote until the 1900s. All that occurred under the banner of Christian/Judaeo religion. It took brave men and women to change all of that and great sacrifice over a long period of time. People- mainly men, interpreted Christianity in a repressive way and were mainly concerned about holding great power and siding up with the prevailing aristocracies. Fortunately not all were like that and some gave their lives in their endeavour to achieve change.

    People like Malala are trying to play their part in similarly changing things for people of her culture. Its clear that she knows that demonising all people of her culture will not achieve the best outcome. She believes that education is the key to the emancipation and liberation of women in her culture and she is absolutely right.

    Its amazing that the Muslim haters on this forum call for Malala to not speak about those that demonise the billion plus Muslims in the world but its okay for the same keyboard warriors in Australia to speak out against anyone anywhere in the world eg hatred directed towards Obama, Angela Merkel while expressing adoration towards Trump and Putin. You want to silence or dictate what Malala says or can say while you yourselves spew commentary about others in the world with impunity. Well, you like me are just keyboard warriors banging away on this stocks chat site while Malala is trying to do something tangible for young women/girls being denied the basic freedom and opportunity to achieve an education.

    How anyone can have the gall to criticise this lass is beyond me. Fortunately most people don’t hold your views and in fact Malala has received great recognition for her bravery in seeking reform in the treatment of females and the right to education in her culture.
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