is the government doing what we want?, page-6

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hmmm, too bad Mr Turnbull is facing the same hopeless self centred hostile Senate that Tony Abbott you write footy; "a long hard slog" is what is needed.

    We need a committed Government to start with, the signs so far are not good...a revolving door of Ministers and a leader that seems to be avoiding publicity.
    Questions is; Does Turnbull actually have the "staying power" and the guts to stand up and introduce unpopular Bills? Abbott did, look where it got him...forget about the backflips, the facts are what count.

    We can in fact write off another three years...add six of Rudd, Gillard, Rudd and we have endured NINE years of nothing but increasing debt and now nervous nellies who don't want to lose their place at the trough.

    Turnbull has faced no tests so far and even without he is proving to be a little wishy washy.

    A huge change of attitude by the half percent Senators is needed too. But then I cannot see those drongos Muir, Lambie, Hanson-Young, Lazarus, along with Rhiannon and Waters et al ever backing something for the good of the Big Mal will have his work cut out just to see real basic stuff passed. That will be his test.
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