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    Also worth a read in conjunction is this old resource estimate, http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&r...PguzYwUGX8-pl7Naw&sig2=JCRUWGuPKU3YYnzoMvjjYg

    19 January 2015



    **A full pdf version of this announcement including tables and images is
    available from the Company's website at www.tangierspetroleum.com.au

    *Recently completed Independent Resource Report by DeGolyer and MacNaughton for
    Project Icewine, on the prolific North Slope of Alaska, estimates potential oil
    in place of 8 billion barrels* (gross mean unrisked)

    *Estimated recoverable oil potential of 492 million barrels* (gross mean

    *Probability of geologic success estimated at 41%

    *"Best of Breed" resource concentration confirmed, highlighting excellent
    potential on a comparative basis to successful North American shale plays

    *Conventional oil potential to be assessed at Project Icewine:

    - 3.98Bn barrels of undiscovered potential on the Central North Slope (USGS

    *Tangiers has an 87.5% working interest in the Project and will be operator of
    99,360 acres

    *High impact 3 well drilling campaign testing unconventional and conventional
    targets imminent on adjacent acreage north of Project Icewine

    *Cautionary Statement: The estimated quantities of petroleum that may be
    potentially recovered by the application of a future development project relate
    to undiscovered accumulations. These estimates have both an associated risk of
    discovery and a risk of development. Further exploration, appraisal and
    evaluation are required to determine the existence of a significant quantity of
    potentially movable hydrocarbons.

    Prospective Resource assessments in this release were estimated using
    probabilistic methods in accordance with SPE-PRMS standards.

    Tangiers Petroleum Limited ("Tangiers" or the "Company", ASX:TPT, AIM TPET) is
    pleased to announce the findings of an Independent Report completed by DeGolyer
    and MacNaughton estimating substantial resource potential at its Project
    Icewine (the "Project"), located on the North Slope of Alaska. A summary of the
    report's findings are tabulated below.

    Tangiers' Managing Director, Dave Wall said "The Independent Report by DeGolyer
    and MacNaughton has resulted in net mean recoverable unconventional potential
    for Tangiers of 431 million barrels of oil. Tangiers believe this indicates
    substantial upside potential if the entire project area is productive and/or
    mean recovery factor is ultimately higher than that currently estimated. The
    validation of the exceptional resource concentration is particularly
    significant as this is a first order driver of well performance in successful
    liquids rich shale plays like the Eagle Ford and Bakken. The Company
    anticipates being able to provide guidance on the conventional oil potential at
    the Project later in the year and looks forward to insights from the imminent
    drilling program by Great Bear immediately to the north of our acreage."



    Prospect Icewine: Gross Estimated Unconventional Prospective Oil Resources:
    HRZ, Hue, Kingak & Shublik Shales
    North Slope,
    Alaska (Source: DeGolyer & MacNaughton as of December 31, 2014)

    Unrisked: Risked: (Chance
    of geologic
    success 41 %)

    Estimate (million Low Best High Mean Risked Mean

    Gross 244.3 446.4 813.2 492.5 200.3

    Net to Tangiers 213.7 390.6 711.5 430.9 175.3
    (WI post award:


    Project Icewine is located in a region that was subject to a unique set of
    geologic circumstances that have likely resulted in enhanced porosity in the
    HRZ shale member. This differentiates the HRZ in a positive way from other
    successful shale plays and is extremely significant. These circumstances are
    broadly described below:

    *Restricted depositional environment within the Cretaceous Seaway (that
    extended through central North America generating many of its prolific onshore
    source rocks)

    *Volcanic activity contributed volcanic ash and glass during the deposition of
    the HRZ organic shales

    *Differential compaction of the organic material on a 30:1 ratio whilst the
    volcanic glass, due to its hardness, retained its form

    *Post burial diagenesis, (alteration / dissolution), of the volcanic glass
    resulted in additional voids/pore space creating enhanced primary porosity in
    the HRZ shale

    Improved overall porosity will increase the capacity for the HRZ member to
    retain hydrocarbons, resulting in exceptional resource concentration. This
    resource concentration, or oil in place per acre per foot, is highly
    correlative to well performance and ultimate recovery when combined with other
    requisite attributes for a successful shale play. Comparative resource
    concentration between Tangiers' primary target, the HRZ, and other successful
    shale plays is shown below. Significant factors of note are the exceptional
    porosity (estimated in the DeGolyer and MacNaughton report) and the oil in
    place per 640 acres. This results in a resource concentration per well that is
    multiples of the next best shale play in North America, based on likely well
    spacing. Whilst it stands to reason that the more resource that can be accessed
    by the well bore, the better the recovery factor, this can only be truly proven
    by drilling.

    Table 2: Resource Concentration Driven by Exceptional Porosity

    Liquids Shale Net Pay Porosity Oil In Place Well Resource
    Play Concentration
    (ft) (%) (MMBOE / 640 Spacing
    Acres) (In Place MMBOE
    (Acres) /Well)

    HRZ 173 14 60.4 80 7.54

    Bakken 65 5 10.6 160 2.65

    Eagle Ford 135 10 46.9 40 2.95

    Shale oil plays exploit resources generated within the source rock that did not
    migrate and it is possible, by predictive modelling, to target the most
    productive part of a shale fairway - the sweetspot. Analysis of fluid
    composition and reservoir pressure are essential criteria in the assessment of
    shale, and therefore it is crucial to have a profound understanding of the
    source rock kinetic model coupled with the regional basin model. Tangiers'
    partner and project generator, has analysed substantial data over several years
    to validate the predictive model, which indicates that Project Icewine is in
    the sweetspot of the play.

    Table 3: The HRZ vs Other Successful Oil Shale Play Common Attributes

    Attribute Comment Project

    Burial History Needs to be volatile oil/wet gas to maximise value
    and Thermal of hydrocarbons produced and balance optimal
    Maturity viscosity to increase well performance => Well data
    (TOC, rock-eval, vitrinite reflectance data) from
    wells located in and near the Project area confirm
    a burial history and heat flow model that indicate
    a depth and maximum bottom hole temperature that
    correlate to generating the desired ratio of high
    value liquids

    Phase Liquids must be in gaseous phase in the reservoir
    to maximise flow rates => unique prospecting tool
    box developed by Eagle Ford early mover, and
    Tangiers partner, provide high confidence

    Source Rock / Must be oil prone - Type I or II => Icewine is
    Kerogen Type organic rich, deep water marine Type II kerogen.
    Organic matter type also can contribute organic
    porosity and potentially augments storage potential
    within the shale

    Overpressure Pressure gradient of >0.5psi/ft required to assist
    with lift of hydrocarbons and also increase the
    amount of fluid that can exist as a vapour in the
    reservoir => petrophysical analysis of bottom seal
    provided by Pebble Shale indicates >0.55psi/ft

    Rock Mechanics Must be "frackable" i.e. brittle => highly brittle
    lithology reported in the HRZ/Hue by Great Bear
    wells on adjacent acreage

    Tectonic Continuity of reservoir => Icewine is outboard of
    Setting the Brooks Range compressional complex in a
    structurally simple and tectonically relaxed
    foreland basin. The simple structuring means
    greater reservoir continuity and lends itself to
    horizontal drilling

    Total Organic Decent TOC is required but the amount of hydrogen
    Carbon (TOC) associated with the carbon is also a critical piece
    of the puzzle => high TOC (up to 8%) reported in
    wells from the HRZ/Hue on adjacent acreage

    The location of the project - on a major access road, adjacent to the pipeline
    and only 35 miles South of Pump Station 1 - provides both year-round
    operational access and a direct path to market through existing infrastructure,
    meaning that commercialisation can occur inexpensively and quickly, on a
    comparative basis.

    Internal analysis suggests that the full ~100,000 acre position at Project
    Icewine could be in the sweet spot of the play, where recovery factors of >10%
    have been forecast for other successful liquids rich shale plays in the USA.
    Drilling of a vertical core hole to confirm this analysis is planned as soon as
    is practical.

    Table 4: HRZ Volumetrics

    Prospect Icewine: HRZ Shale - Primary Objective

    (Source: DeGolyer & MacNaughton as of December 31, 2014)

    Monte Carlo: Probability Distribution

    Parameter P90 P50 P10 Mean

    Productive area (acres) 16,619 39,331 79,107 43,809

    Thickness (ft) 132 170 218 173

    Porosity (decimal) 0.115 0.140 0.166 0.141

    Oil Saturation (decimal) 0.511 0.570 0.629 0.570

    Fm Volume Factor, Bo 1.208 1.144 1.081 1.142

    Recovery Factor (decimal) 0.025 0.058 0.101 0.061

    Prospective Gross OOIP 1,488 3,606 7,450 4,107
    (million bbl):

    Prospective Gross Ultimate 65.8 192.5 501.5 250.4
    Recovery (million bbl):

    Prospective Ultimate Recovery 57.3 168.5 438.8 219.1
    net to TPT (million bbl)


    Figure 1: Project Icewine Location and Activity Map(please refer to the pdf
    version of this announcement available from the Company's website)

    Table 5: Project Icewine Highlights

    Located in proven, prolific and productive petroleum province which hosts the
    largest oil field complex in North America

    First Mover Tangiers and partner, Burgundy Xploration, early entrants
    Advantage into developing unconventional shale oil play and Brookian
    conventional plays on the Alaskan North Slope

    Two Highly Unconventional Oil Play: Exceptional resource potential of
    Prospective Liquids 492mmbbl, HRZ primary target ticks all boxes
    Rich Plays
    Conventional Oil Play: 3.98 Billion Barrels of
    Undiscovered Recoverable Resources in the Central North
    Slope (USGS 2013)

    Attractive Fiscal Excellent fiscal regime, politically stable
    10 year primary leases with no mandatory relinquishment

    12.5% State Royalty (16.5%including ORRI)

    Mature Operational year round access - located on Dalton Highway
    Trans Alaska Pipeline runs through Project Icewine with
    1.5 MM BOD spare capacity

    Generous Tax Alaskan State Tax incentives on exploration drilling:
    * 85% cash refund (2015), 75% (mid 2016) thereafter 35%

    Mezzanine funding available based on tax incentives

    Material Position Large, contiguous ~100,000 acre position exceeds hurdle
    rate to attract oil majors; material 87.5% working
    interest & operatorship

    Yours faithfully

    Dave Wall
    Managing Director
    Tangiers Petroleum Ltd
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