ECT 0.00% 0.2¢ environmental clean technologies limited.

Marketing and Promotion

  1. 605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 72
    It has been stated on a number of threads since the TH and suspension the complete absence of marketing and promotion of ECT in Australia, India and the rest of the world - illogical to me.
    I've been in ESI for a long time, good and not so good, the one point that stands out from everything IMO is this company has never done the hard yards with marketing and promotion.
    Who knows where they could be if they management employed the right consultants to sell the product/technology to the media and the market.

    It's been said many times who are our partners in India, the money and power they hold and the prospects for ECT when both Coldry and Matmor enter the market - and they will, however ECT doesn't appear to want to be telling anyone about it - why not?

    I was having yet another look over the US company CCT - Clean Coal Technologies, they claim to have a "raw coal" drying product "Pristine" (3 types) - only recently tested yet to be proved. CCT are well behind ECT in testing and confirming viability of their technology yet are spruiking themselves and the technology as a world market leaders and the greatest thing since sliced bread, it possibly is! They are constantly doing press releases to punch themselves and their product to the market.

    I asked in an email to Ashley and Adam a direct question re marketing and promotion without reference to CCT, I never received a reply however they did make that announcement to appease shareholders that triggered a further sell down, that included a reference to marketing/promotion.

    Why in the hell aren't ECT doing the same? They or their marketing consultants should have made a monstrous press release following the signing and every time they go to India including progress reports. Let the world and the opposition know ECT is out there working with our Indian partners on testing and developing Coldry and Matmor.

    I seriously doubt the share price would be under 4c, millions of options would have been converted resulting in minimal finance concerns.

    It's worth having a look at how the Yanks are marketing their product, the link follows. It's also worth taking a look at the financials of CCT - a lot of debt and serious cash flow issues coming if I read it correctly.

    Clean Coal Technologies press far behind is ECT in the marketing stakes.

    I thought the Foz was a businessman, a class above - why is he not pushing the marketing?
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