SLX 4.81% $4.79 silex systems limited

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1791
    I am going to put this list of my own posts that I believe are the most important things that I have found, I do this for the newer investors who may visit here, I guess there may be some who really don't like me posting this stuff (TOUGH LUCK), especially those trying to build a position under the radar? I hope what I post doesn't hurt the company in some way? that is the last thing I want, I just want to share some important info that has not really been divulged to the market YET, I want to see the little bloke have a win for a change, instead of the institutions, they get it all their own way most of the time and it really P's me off the way they can manipulate the market.
    I will just pose one question to you before I start!
    The shareprice of SLX is not much above the asset backing price, or at least it wasn't a week or so back! but let me ask one serious question, have a look at the top twenty, take out the institutions, look for the insiders who own a great deal of this company, I ask you this one simple question, how many shares have EVER been sold by any one of the insiders holding them?
    Some time ago, there were many here who gave the CEO of SLX a lambasting for making an effort to diversify, nearly all of them said it was throwing good money after bad?
    I didn’t agree then and I still don’t.
    And then we had those that wanted MG to distribute the 55 million back to shareholders, that would have been absolutely crazy, it would be taking away the only insurance we have at this point in time.
    I didn’t agree then either and I still don’t.

    The technologies we have will be worth a motza, more patience is required, just a bit more, yeah I know, it has been a hell of a long time, some of the blame for that can be attributed to GE, but I reckon it is all about to unfold shortly!
    I guess when you look back at it, I can see why some people were unhappy about Silex trying to diversify, the way I see it is "Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained" I believe MG made a very valiant attempt to diversify and a successful one at that, two and a half of those things in my opinion didn't work out,  It was not necessarily for any given reason, other than they were way too early for the market? or other things that were supposed to aid in that technology didn't happen when they were supposed to? or the direction of some of those ideas changed, or Government support disappeared?
    Yeah I know some will say excuces excuses.
    Some of the best plans are doomed to failure, but sometimes there are some gems amongst them.
    Out of those diversification plans , there is one real standout, TRANSLUCENT and all of it’s IP, and possibly another that may be worth something in the future? Solar Systems IP.
    Another possibility in the future maybe is that the IP for Chronologic may also be worth something?
    I can see that in a couple of years we will be earning money from the IQE venture,
    And if all goes well with UNF recycling? we could be cash flow positive in four to five years with a very good CAGR!
    These posts below, I would consider to be of real value to anyone even remotely interested in investing in SLX, read them and make up your own minds whether to invest, it will be your decision and your alone.
    I myself like what I see, I have put my own hard earned into this, I have done my own homework and I am willing to back myself on what I have found, I am pretty set now, but if I find more cash I will more than likely buy more, if you don’t see what I have found as being of interest? then Silex is not for you. article is dated 2016
    The link in this post proves that the US DoE are clearly looking at recycling used nuclear fuel and that one of the best methods was using a PRISM reactor with an Advanced Recycling Centre, where the used nuclear fuel is broken into three components, Plutonium which is used as fuel in the Prism reactor, Uranium (recovered Uranium called RepU) which needs re enriching to be able to re use it in a Boiling Water Reactor (Silex technology will be used for that) look at the block diagram on page one in the link in that post, it shows how the components of UNF are recycled.

    Another earlier link shows the same stuff but it colors them in Blue to show the recycling area, see in this link below on page 3
    The link in my post above proves that SLX are going to build Wilmington, or at least a 1 million SWU pilot plant, for testing purposes (Pilot) and the they will take it to 6 Million SWU, on th e bottome pages of that link provided it clearly show the organisational structures that will be used at Wilmington both during construction and also after commercialisation. Article is dated 2016
    Some people gave me a hard time over the age of this particular article included in my post, but I see it as extremely relevant, because even back then it was obvious where this was heading, article is dated Oct 14, 2010.
    NB look at the post above this one, it basically backs up what this article said and it is dated 2016, but actually goes further in describing how the Silex technology also plays it’s part in the recycling effort, that is why GE described the Silex technology as GAME CHANGING.
    This post is probably the most important one short term, with respect to first earnings for SLX and it may end up being just as big, if not bigger than the Uranium enrichment process, it will start off as small earnings, but it could be worth many millions of dollars PA. if it plays out like they are showing in that video link in the post?
    Also this IQE venture may end up making the Solar Systems IP worth a lot of money in the future?

    Do your own research before you make any decision to invest, it is your decision and yours alone whether you buy or not!
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