mbg- still green alert to >10c, page-10

  1. 10,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 26
    re: mbg- a gamble Hi cdchi1,

    a brave punt and also a great post. Good luck with the trade. You appear to have picked up nearly half todays volume so would have effectively supported the stock for a day.

    Bounce was off a soft support at 3.7c which just might hold now to retest 4 and 4.3c level.

    Otherwise a break below 3.7c should see another baseline around 3.3/3.4.

    Below that its a long way down to 1.9c being the primary Fibonacci 161.8% target.

    If I remember correctly does MBG's hedging arrangement with the garaunteed floor price for their tin run out this October?
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