christianity and reason, page-18

  1. 4,327 Posts.
    Hi Guys

    I think we all mean well. We barely know anything though.

    Voltaire I am with you. How can you possibly 'know'?

    Fundamentalists of any leaning tend to 'know'. One set of rules, black and white and all will be well...just dont think outside the square or question anything and we will be fine.

    There are also degrees of believing about knowing. I may believe I know God (i happen to like the term 'living spirit'...but it doesnt really matter does it?) exists or that an energy exists......but to then go 'further' and create a doctrine or truth or critique about 'how' that God thinks and creates is another thing!

    The scriptures are full of holes. The Councils of Nicea are testimony to that. "Lets define God shall we..""Lets leave that bit out and put this bit in" etc etc

    God unfortunately whether true or not is a man made concept....

    To say in the scriptures that God made man in 'his' own image aptly demonstrates the limitations and ego of man himself (I say 'man' because women were not alowed to have an opinion...seems God was pretty chauvinistic as well ;)

    ...hardly an evolved God I would have thought ;)

    Guys, regardless of what beliefs we all have, theres cracks in the God belief system all over the place. Men wrote the Bible....and any traces of Godliness and greatness from such great men like Jesus (for example) were heavily edited and unfortunately filtered through the brains and consciousness of those people at the time....superstitious fear riddled people....muck like us except even more limited.

    A scary thought seeing that 2 thousand years later we are still so far away from those wonderful ideals that Jesus (and other beings such as Buddha and Mohammed) taught and lived.

    Great topic guys.
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