The image of the invisible God, page-6

  1. 7,453 Posts.
    Thankyou for expressing this .
    At Nicea,where the 3 concepts of God are represented in Christianity and still present today.
    This is where Arianism semi arianism and trinitarianism leave each other on this concept.
    Three totally different concepts of God,that lead the believer to 3 totally different places in belief and ideology.
    These concepts are intrinsically the foundational divide of Christianity.
    Off these foundations,are built the rest of the doctrinal concepts,which totally divide the 3.
    For instance mainstream orthodox christianity appears to be divided into many different denominations etc with many different minor (for want of a better word)differences.
    But on the foundational beliefs,are,really united as one.
    The trinity is their foundational belief,and concept of who,what ,comprises who and what Jesus,God and the holy spirit are.Eventually they will unite as one,as in the past and basically wipe out the other two,as has happened in history and will in the future,imo.

    Arianism Believes Christ is a created being,just as Ababab has expressed,and is not divine being as is God his father. The holy spirit is a force etc

    Semi Arianism Believes that God birthed a son in eternity,a divine literal son,inheriting all the attributes of diety,so by nature is of like substance as his father.The holy spirit is either father and sons presence ,ie they are spirit beings,and can be present by their holy spirit.

    Trinitarianism Believes 3 God beings,role play,father,son and holy spirit,each having a role to play out to humanity .This triune God,all 3 beings are eternal and never have had a beginning nor ever can end nor can any of them die.Father son holy spirit are just terms,not literal relationships,used so humanity can understand their relationship to each other.
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