Vic Labor government orgy of spending

  1. 18,561 Posts.
    You have to hand it to the Andrews Labor government - when they need to justify an infrastructure project to get federal funding they just tell the feds "we don't need it".

    Not for them to bother with detailed business plans, that's just for LNP proposals like EW link. They see the rivers of gold from property taxes and motoring flowing forever. Projects of $30b over the next four years for everything except EW link. The public doesn't need that - they can catch up with their emails and text messages while they crawl through the NIMBY Labor inner suburbs. They saved all those inner city seats after all.

    Not for them a blush about flushing $1b when they cancelled EW link - that's old news. No grandstanding demanding that the feds allow them to keep the funds allocated to EW link - we are so rich now we can't wait for Turnbull and have so much money flowing into our coffers we can go it alone, and if we run out we can easily borrow.

    Andrews is also ambidextrous - you have a problem with Ambos, Paramedics or Firemen? Just pay 'em what they want. You know they save lives so pay them and worry about the money later. On second thoughts, don't worry about it.

    Great times here in Victoria. The Saudi Arabia of Australia.
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