gg -- a classic example of mind group think., page-14

  1. 5,426 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    “Aiding and abetting a known child molester” well how did he do that…you mean he did not sack a Priest the moment he was accused of molestation that occurred 10 years before hand by a now adult…It seems to me this was a mater for the Police.
    Hollingworth made a Judgement he did not know the truth he put in place what he thought were safe guards.
    I believe the Accuser not happy with this response when went to the police and got the justice they seeked.
    That’s what he/she should have done in the first place and should be the automatic response to all these cases.

    Are you suggesting This is it that the Priest in question admitted guilt to Hollingworth and he destroyed all documents and told him to hid…No I don’t think so.

    Point is if the same performance standards were applied to all those in public office and public service that being get one or two judgments of others wrong and you get the flick when the list will be very very long.

    How many Judges, how many Police, Generals etc got one or even 2 or 3 wrong…I could go on but it was never about that…

    A judgement was made…we can bring this man down… we can create an issue…and the show began.

    The result is some very little men get to pound their chests and say me Tarzan…Peter will spend more time with his wife…and my wife bought the paper today for obvious reasons and she doesn’t normally.

    Yes all very impressive…what was it about again …Oh yes Child abuse 20 years ago…and I wonder what abuse as occurred during this show.
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