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XTV Update, page-189

  1. 1,315 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I know you've been on xtv for a while, I don't understand your condesending post. And I haven't been called sunshine for decades. (now it would be more like waning sunset)... The last person who did was a sweet girl at uni. But the context was different... But your comment briefly made me reminisce on days gone by. Since then, my beard has grown long, my hair has thinned and my melon looks more like a bucket of smashed crabs every day. Lol. But I certainly wasn't having a go at you. I just quoted your post instead of hitting general reply on my phone. Appreciate the sensible discussion though. Sorry you were so sensitive and misinterpreted what I said. Good luck to all.
    Last edited by Mitzu007: 11/05/16
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