Superbug resistant to antibiotics could be ‘beginning of the end’, page-23

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    Superbugs Could Usher in a Frightening, Post-Antibiotic World
    by PHILIP PERRY May 29, 2016

    ..Bacteria and antibiotics naturally go through an arms race. As bacteria become resistant to certain drugs, newly developed ones must replace them, which the bacteria will too eventually overcome.

    Antibiotics are also widely used in the food supply, given to livestock and poultry en masse to prevent infection. On another front, a trend of patients not finishing a full course of antibiotics, but stopping when they feel better, has led to some bacteria to survive, mutate, and develop resistance.

    The biggest fear is that these superbugs will transfer their immunity to other bacteria who are already resistant to other forms of antibiotics, as bacteria are able to share loose genetic material with one another. According the CDC’s Dr. Beth Bell, this E. coli case is a wake-up call, signaling that they will soon acquire the last component needed to resist all forms of antibiotics..

    Instead of costing millions more lives and wasting billions more dollars we should be focusing efforts on balancing gut flora to strengthen our natural immune system to fight ALL infection. But then pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t make billions from antibiotics and vaccines so their medical authority cronies will maintain the futile and dangerous status quo.
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