Superbug resistant to antibiotics could be ‘beginning of the end’, page-25

  1. 10,759 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    Antibiotics should be a last line of defense against infection. Not the first option as doctors have done by handing them out like lollies to kids for decades for every common ailment, which are mostly viral infections so the antibiotics do more harm than good. The antibiotics destroy gut flora thereby weakening the immune system while helping promote the creation of drug resistant superbugs in society. But doctors were never taught this basic principle. They are pharmaceutically trained to push drugs - not health.

    Healthy gut flora is also essential in preventing cancer, but doctors are never taught this simple fact in medical school either (there is no money to be made in recommending a healthy organic diet high in fibre plus fermented foods and probiotics);
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