AKK austin exploration limited

Ann: Appointment of Executive Chairman & CEO & Managing Director-AKK.AX, page-14

  1. 20,597 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2063
    firstly - if my views are negative, why would I be a holder, it makes no sense. The argument that one should only listen to arguments from holders is counter intuitive. If I have enough doubts , i will not hold , and I have plenty. The problem is the assertion that holding status impacts the validity of the observations, it doesn't
    My continual posts is because AKK is a cumulative story of overpromising and not delivering ( not even under-delivering)
    Today was yet another opportunity to highlight to anyone who cares to listen how there language is unaligned to reality. My posts are essentially a warning, and it doesn't matter if you want to hear those warnings or not, I feel oblidged to post them.
    Do you think they are well funded, as they claim ??
    Do you think they have world class assets in the O and G space??
    Do you think they have enough cash to be promoting staff and hiring new ones ?

    Does this kind of commentary not bother you at all?

    As for my negativity, positivity or negativity is worth nothing , only our investment actions and whether they make money, so if you trading is successful, worry not about what I have to say
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Currently unlisted public company.

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