Who believes in ghosts?, page-140

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "I personally believe one has to strive to keep an open mind in life because if you don't it can lead to a sad and confined existence, and there is the potential to waste a lot of energy attacking, putting down, ignoring or belittling what is hard for you to understand."

    What a noble aspiration and reminder of the difficulty of putting into practice what we tell ourselves .. and others.. are our beliefs.
    Generally I don't take much notice of what people profess as their beliefs ... much more revealing to go by what they actually say and do.

    For example the comment (and attitude it reflects),
    "The arrogance of the @darkrooms of this world and there are lots of them (usually blokes) amuses me however, I can understand the stance they take because this sort of stuff is quite threatening to their world view." ...
    etc, surely qualifies for the 2nd part of your sentence ?

    Just wondering.
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