These results prove one thing., page-244

  1. 676 Posts.
    And the Libs continually rely on the chaff chewing retards of the Nats to make up numbers.Fact
    Stand on your own two feet you 'unrepresentitive swill'.Fact.
    Senate, duly elected by the rule of law. Get over it or get out of govt.Fact.
    Surely you remember Abbotts attack dog agenda when Gillard was in office?Fact.
    Senate as at 1/7/11 Coalition 34, ALP 31, 11 others.FACT
    Ability to negotiate(right or wrong) FACT
    Fast Forward 2016:
    ABCC BS, Ability to negotiate, FAIL. FACT!
    DD Election trigger. Fail.Fact
    Time the Liberals rethought their policies, which clearly are out of touch, Fact.
    The days of 'rubber stamp' party hack Legislation are over. Fact.
    The People have spoken! Fact.
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