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Originally posted by OllieB
Can you please explain how someone lends out their stock and also shorts it?? Seriously!!
Plus while the ASX doesn't guarantee the short data it is considered high quality so dismissing it so as to fit the narrative you have created is only kidding yourself!!
Rather than all these conspiracy theories and stock manipulation theories, maybe 1PG was just very oversold and lots of people jumped on board expecting a technical bounce, which has now occurred and the stock is rolling again given no recent material change in the fundamentals.
In my view the only way it will bounce on a sustained basis is a tangible improvement in actual revenue and at some point earnings. There is no evidence of this as yet. Maybe the quarterly will give some comfort.
Buying or shorting 1PG is a punt/speculation and a hope trade at best.
My view is to avoid it, but if I had to go one way or another I would BUY because I think expectations are low, plenty of volume has gone through lower down (clearing out stale bulls) and it has plenty of cash (for now). A good quarterly will get a rocket under it. This is probably a 50% downside, 200% upside type punt over the next 6-12 months.
Good luck.
You know I don't normally respond to you and you have disappeared while it was green; this time I will; have you ever thought they may have several accounts? doh! And all the other shifty things that go on behind the scenes; you missed the 1 pg boat and you will rue your down ramping.
Won't waste my time again.