Deeper questions of life, page-98

  1. 613 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    There's no meaning to life, more of a purpose. The earth has been here a while, atmosphere changed, organisms formed, landscape changed. Earth was on a quest, everything needs something, slowly Earth got the science right and humans walked the land. The Earth helped them evolve, thousands of years of learning with Earth providing nutrition to help form better intelligence. Come today here we stand, believing we are smart and continue to fill our lives with better and better menial crap. Then we devise a system to value things and keep us busy, taught that being rich is standing there holding printed paper or polymer. Is it better to be rich or better to have richness? We value things by cost and deem things are better the more it costs, all the while the worlds population is depleting itself of something that costs nothing but most certainly will have a cost..... values. As time continues we'll stumble day in day out believing we are here to better ourselves and maybe others, depending if we have time or occasionally pretend to care about life. Oblivious to what's really happening, intelligent beings, the smartest life force ever, perhaps too smart for our own good? We can have the same level of intelligence, but what's the point of intelligence? sometimes we just need sight, some people need to get their head out of a book, others need to get their head out of a screen, of course there's those that need to get their head out of their arse. We're here, not for a meaning but here for a purpose.

    All this has been implemented thousands of years ago by this planet as a distraction from reality. Think of it like a siphon, the Earth created the vacuum by providing us with the building blocks to evolve, mentally and physically for our ultimate purpose then eventually self destruct as a species. Evolution never sleeps and never stays the same. We are here to provide the Earth the one thing it can not produce itself.......... Plastic.
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