RRS 0.00% 0.1¢ range resources limited

rogues contacts say its the jv, page-5

  1. 2,086 Posts.
    I too sold down considerably in recent days - but thats the luck of the draw. I have made heaps on APG.

    Also, don't forget by any measure, RRS has been a serious disappointment in the 12 months since the Puntland 'deal' was announced. The SP today is basically the same as it was then - in the high 2c. And given the 'high risk' nature of the venture and its proximity to 'civil war' central, it was always possible this whole RRS Puntland situation could fall apart.

    If they pull off the JV (and certainly I hope they do), there will be plenty of time to get on board before the actual drilling and enjoy the appreciating Share Price.

    And without the risk that the Trading Halt could be something unforeseen and negative.
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