croissants and frites for nt, page-6

  1. NT
    1,708 Posts.
    avl pocket of tribal conflict to end and relative One does not need to be a sooth sayer to predict the combined efforts of UN "fighting" peace force and government action will soon (perhaps 3- 6 weeks?) bring to a virtual end decades of conflict in this last localised area of conflict.

    The contraction of conflict to localised places and UN - Congo Government action are huge plus factors.

    The lack of proper commitment by Congo army to exert control of the last pocket of internal tribal conflict has been a factor of concern.
    Latest developments suggest that Congo Government is subtly moving to a position of more control over the military which is perhaps the last part of the process to proper government of Congo.

    Doesn't Scarva just love to post any - anything - to reflect badly on the emergence of sound government and proper management of the Congo.

    Personally the localisation of conflict, concerned interest by international press, business like participation by UN forces, very well equiped and prepared to fight and the confidence evidenced in the move by government to exert authority over the Congo Army just highlight my confidence and statement that unrest in the Congo is a furphy used by a minority.

    AVL is in track.
    Management is reasonably competent.
    There are signs that the developing copper/silver mine will succeed.
    AVL has potential to explore and discover further resources.
    The "sovereign danger" is not of any significane and makes for the purchase of a reasonably sound company at well below valuation.


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