re: another illusion- forrest Good one forrest, had me sucked in too.
I was curious as to how you got omni in your username at optus? My registered company is called Omnicorp, and Ive had that name and omni marketing registered for some 10 years. Just another thing we have in common. Did you also choose omni as a business name? That would be too much coincidence! (Insert Twighlight Zone music here) da da, da da.
I suppose you know we can all view your full directory and read all your pages.Just delete the file name to the last backslash and read the parent directory. The 'what name' pics were good. Did you draw the ridge cartoon? I suppose its the same for all of us. You wouldnt want anything in your directory thats private, but then people like you and I already knew that, and anticipated that.
Now who else can we snoop on? Anybody thats ever posted a gif is fair game.
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