Isn't Pauline Hanson right?, page-114

  1. 8,074 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 558
    The jews and christians just do a lot of their heavy handed dealings by proxy now due to having more resources than the muslims in the west. False flags, etc.

    "I haven't seen too many muslims marching in the streets with placards saying not in my name, but draw a bad cartoon and you get thousands with stupid signs such as "Behead those who insult Allah". Not one that makes the right here feel warm with glow in softening their stance."...........Do you or the others here walk around with placards and say my ancestors raped and pillages this land from the aboriginies please send me back to Europe? or are you happy forgetting how the European immigrants came to rule over the land and now take the moral high ground saying we don't want anymore immigrants?. Is that what you call " the Australian way of life"...I wonder if your ancestors or the natives agree?

    "Also anyone who commits a crime should be deported immediately - that might start sending a message of what is acceptable or not - starting with those Imams speaking crap about western values." to be equal any white fella who commits a crime shoudl also be sent back to Europe or is this all about what piece of land your mother happened to have given birth to you on?

    "Finally I find the burka offensive but don't mind the hijab as it shows the face. The fact we have these debates over clothing that has no place in Australia - burka - is a problem in itself. It gives me a view that moderate muslims cannot have any influence on radical muslims to soften any stance and that is where fear on this forum I think comes from - that is the right believes too many muslims and the radicals will take over and guide the directionless moderates who are too scared to say no." ....what? you are offended by a women covering herself out of modesty?...I'm dumbfounded.....the burka has no place in Australia?....I wonder what the Aborignies thought of the European clothing when they ruled the land running around half naked

    "Go to a mosque as well and see how many women are there and then go to a Catholic church as a comparison."......can you blame men from turning away from catholicism with the amount of pedophile priests running the show?....of course there is more women than men at church these days.

    The fact is muslims are more christian than christains themselves these days, so saying christains have "moved on" to forget their teachings is a sign of hypocrisy, not a good sign......1 Corinthians 11:5, says that “Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved.”...yet you are offended by women covering themselves?..........Even in prayer how do the christians pray and how do Muslims pray, let's see how Jesus prayed according to the bible....Matthew 26:39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."....the list goes on and on on to support this.

    Just some food for thought,,,,some get caught up in the hysteria and yobbo mob mentality and forget to use their own brain for some real critical thinking
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