Gropegate. 4 more of Trump's victms come forward, page-13

  1. 13,862 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 273
    Touching without consent is groping. Touching with consent is foreplay.

    The problem is that sometimes consent can be a grey area. You might have noticed that women can give mixed signals, and they can also change their minds. In general, so long as you can read social signals, it's pretty easy to know when a woman wants to be touched. But some people find those signals hard to read (eg. autism). Not an excuse, just how it is. Regarding Trump - when I saw him get off the bus after bragging about his exploits, he was very gentlemanly, kept a polite distance, didn't kiss or touch her until she offered a hug. Nor did he leer at her. So all that talk on the bus is just "hot air" - trying to sound like a lad, a player, but completely baseless.

    Everything I've seen of social situations indicates to me that women always set the rules. They are the ones who say yes/no, and if it's a yes, then they set the pace, amount and type of touching. For that reason I don't regard women as powerless victims. Everything I've seen indicates that they have all the power in such situations (which I'm fine with, by the way - it's part of Nature's unwritten rules).
    Last edited by float^: 13/10/16
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