well past the time to cut the apron strings, page-18

  1. 36,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    You said:

    "Too often you talk absolute rubbish. Do you know that Western Australia accounts for over 40% of Australia's export value and that it receives 35c back from GST distribution for every dollar it collects."

    You just don't understand the economic history of Australia, and rubbish people who do.

    I suggest you take up some serious study on this issue.

    If you had read a few of my posts on this, unless you have some English language comprehension problems, you would have known that I have been talking about the subsidy issue right from federation, not about recent times when WA had the benefits of the mining boom.

    The mining boom is no more, like I said in the earlier post, Victoria and NSW will have to carry the burden again of supporting WA.
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