Does God's Law trump man's law, page-120

  1. 11,921 Posts.
    "According to the World Christian Encyclopedia (1982), it is estimated
    that by A.D. 100 there were 1 million Christians in the Roman Empire
    out of a populati
    on of 181 million.
    Thanks Ppm, that's an interesting statistic. Of course there is no way that we can determine which were genuine and which were imitation Christians. Jesus said: "As for the fine seed, these are the sons of the Kingdom, but the weeds are the sons of the wicked one, " (Matt 13:38)
    In his book Natural History of the Bible, H. B. Tristram comments on the type of weeds referred to in this parable. He writes: “The Tares (zizania) are the same as the Arabic zawân, from which the Greek name is derived, the Lolium temulentum, or Bearded Darnel. . . . It is a kind of ryegrass, and is the only species of the grass family the seeds of which are poisonous. The derivation of zawân is from zân, ‘vomiting,’ the effect of eating darnel being to produce violent nausea, convulsions, and diarrheœa, which frequently ends in death. The plant, having a broader leaf than most wild grasses, is entirely like wheat until the ear appears.”
    Jesus really knew how to get his point across in illustrations.
    Soon the separating will be complete.
    (Matthew 7:22, 23) Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’  And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’
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