LYC 0.90% $7.70 lynas rare earths limited

the follow up report

  1. 6 Posts.
    The Next Commodity Fortune
    If you follow the financial news, you know that commodities and natural resources have been in a major bull market for the last few years. In fact, the CRB Index — which is a measure of commodity prices — recently hit its highest level since 1980.

    What’s behind this staggering rise in commodity prices? Well, in most cases, it’s a simple matter of supply and demand.

    The world is gobbling up natural resources at an incredible clip. At the same time, our supply of natural resources is diminishing. We are simply running low on everything from oil to gas to iron to aluminum to copper to uranium.

    Of course, investors who have gotten in on commodities before they make their price run have made a fortune. And while most commodities have had their big run... a virtually-unknown natural resource is just starting to make its move.

    This resource is called “Rare Earth Elements (REE).” REEs are a class of mineral found in the earth’s crust classified as “oxides.”

    Remember the periodic table from your high school science class?

    Rare earth metals are on it, along with other commodity resources like copper, aluminum, gold, silver, uranium, iron and nickel.

    Rare earth elements is the collective name for 15 metallic elements known as the lanthanide series, plus yttrium. They are natural resources mined from the earth’s crust... just like iron, copper, silver, gold and uranium.

    Periodic Table of Elements

    Now, rare earths don’t get a lot of press compared to other natural resources. But their unique physical and chemical properties make them indispensable to modern society. They’re used in glass making, dyes, lasers, televisions and other electrical components.

    Rare earth elements (REE) perform fantastic feats of innovation in today’s world of technology. Super strong magnets, super small hard drives, super accurate missiles, and super powerful medical scans — are all possible because of rare earth elements.

    They’re also used in nuclear power and nuclear weapons. The number of products REE are used in is numerous.

    In fact, you use rare earth elements every day! Do you doubt it?

    Well, let me ask you this: In the last 24 hours have you:

    Talked on a cell phone?

    Used a computer to read e-mail?

    Listened to an iPod?

    Believe it or not, ALL of these activities are dependent on rare earths.

    The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports that rare earths are critical to high technology. In fact, the colors you see on your computer screen are created by a form of rare earths for which there is no substitute, the USGS reports.

    Rare earths are also the world’s strongest magnets and are critical in the miniaturization of high-tech applications such as hard-disk drives, CD-ROMS and DVDs.

    In addition to everyday uses, cutting-edge medical, energy, refrigeration, laser and high technology fields are all becoming more reliant on REE.

    And the demand for REEs is only going to grow. In fact, new applications are being discovered constantly and some of them are starting to radically transform whole industries.

    Take hybrid cars for example. According to Booz Allen Hamilton, hybrids are spreading like wildfire and could account for more than 20% of new cars by 2010. That’s 4 million new hybrids coming out every year.

    And guess what? Rare earths are a key ingredient in hybrid vehicles. In fact, hybrids use 40–80 pounds of rare earths... in every car!

    But perhaps the most important use of REEs is by the United States military. Rare earths are essential in smart bombs, guided missiles and other military technology.

    Bottom line: Rare earth elements are absolutely essential to our modern way of life.
    We simply couldn’t conduct business, medicine, education or military defense without rare earth elements.

    REEs are giving the research scientists, computer developers, and military commanders capabilities only dreamed of a few decades ago and are proving to be an absolutely essential component in shaping modern and future technology.

    But here’s the problem...

    As the demand for REEs is soaring, the world is facing a severe supply shortage that could be devastating to the United States. This shortage is due to…

    A Rare Conspiracy
    That’s because China has a MONOPOLY on the rare earth market...

    In fact, China produces about 95% of the world’s rare earth elements.

    This industry dominance isn’t something China stumbled on by accident. It’s been planning its monopoly for years. In fact, back in 1991, the Chinese ruler at the time Deng Xiaoping proclaimed, “There is oil in the Middle East. There is rare earth in China.”

    And Chinese President Jiang Zemin made the following statement during his 1999 visit to the rare earth-rich Baotou region of China, “Improve the development and applications of rare earth and change the resource advantage into economic superiority.”

    According to the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, since the early 1990s, Beijing has commenced a “detailed strategy to control the Rare Earth market.”

    And make no mistake: China has done more than just talk. It dropped its prices to cost (driving other world mines out of business). It hired between 1,000–2,000 dedicated rare earth scientists and built the world’s most massive REE research facility.

    Bottom line: China anticipated the global demand for rare earths and positioned itself to exploit the situation. And, as the significance of rare earths grows with each new technological discovery, China grows stronger in its strategic position.

    According to the International Herald Tribune, “China has major deposits of rare earths and has invested heavily in new mines and processing plants as part of its plan to dominate the industry.”

    At one time, the United States was largely self-sufficient in the production of REEs. But of the $1 billion worth of REEs we used in 2005, we produced NONE of our own. We imported 100%.

    And here’s the worst part: 95% of our REE imports come from China!

    No wonder scientists at the U.S. Geological Survey state that we are in the midst of the “Chinese Era” of rare earth elements.

    Because of its complete REE dominance, China is positioned to influence America’s most vital industries... including national defense.

    According to Dianne Grassi of The Conservative Voice, the United States is totally dependent on China for key rare earth metals necessary in the manufacture of the most crucial of U.S. military warfare.

    In testimony to a U.S. Senate Committee, Senator James Inhofe said, “The United States has no domestic supplier of rare earth metals which are essential for precision guided munitions.”

    “China already holds a monopoly on the rare-earth minerals used in the manufacturing of the missile magnets,” explains Jeffery St. Claire of Counter Punch.

    And Dr. Peter Leitner, an advisor to the Pentagon, concurs, “By controlling access to the magnets and the raw materials they are composed of, U.S. industry can be held hostage to Chinese blackmail and extortion,” Leitner told Insight magazine last year. “[China] will be the sole source of something critical to the U.S. military and industrial base.”

    Of course, this wouldn’t be a problem if China were willing to export rare earths freely.

    Unfortunately, that’s not the case. You see, even as China increases its own consumption of rare earths... it has taken two steps to choke off REE exports to the United States.

    First: China’s Ministry of Land Resources imposed a mining production limit that has drastically reduced the supply of REEs.

    Second: On November 1, 2006, China imposed an export tariff on rare earth elements of 10%.

    That means that if a company wants to ship rare earths to the United States, they must pay a 10% tax. This is discouraging rare earth producers from shipping to the United States.

    And the shipments that do make it out of China are 10% more expensive, cutting into profits for every end user of REEs. Consequently, this makes it even more difficult for U.S. companies to compete with China’s cut-throat pricing. From computers to hybrid cars... China’s dominant price advantage just got stronger.

    Obviously, this is very bad news for the U.S. manufacturers, not to mention the U.S. military.

    Fortunately, a tiny 35-cent Australian company has found a solution that could bust China’s rare earth monopoly into a million pieces. It could also launch its micro-cap stock to $3.50 by April 2007... handing early market watchers a staggering 900% gain.

    Interested? Let me give you the details...

    Savior from Down Under
    As it turns out, the most lucrative source of rare earths is not in China.

    It’s in Australia. And back in 2001, this tiny 35-cent company had the foresight to buy it.

    It’s spent five years conducting feasibility studies and filing permits. But with the legwork behind it, these guys are ready to make a flat-out fortune.

    Not only does its site control the highest quality rare earth elements on the planet, but it is the ONLY commercially-viable rare earth deposit outside of China.

    Think about that...

    With China intentionally cutting off REEs, this tiny Australian company offers the ONLY alternative source in the world.

    Companies that need REEs for their products and countries that need REEs for their national defense have a choice: Either beg China for overpriced REEs and hope for the best...

    ...or buy REEs from this tiny 35-cent Australian company.

    Now, I think you’ll agree: Most companies will lean toward doing business with the Australians.

    And guess what?

    It just secured a MONSTER CONTRACT from one of the largest users of rare earth elements in the world!

    That’s just the boost this tiny firm needed. The biggest rare earth player on the planet is jumping on board. The floodgates are open, and soon, every company requiring REEs will beat a path to this 35-cent micro cap’s door.

    And here’s the thing: Most people know nothing about this company. But the story won’t stay quiet for long. Already, major Wall Street firms are starting to take an interest in this rare earth miner.

    J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs and RAB have started building positions in the stock. Because this company has a market cap of only $100 million, the additional volume is starting to push the stock up. In fact, it’s jumped 35% in the last couple months.

    But like flies to honey, the big institutions are getting excited. And when this stock starts to move, folks who get in now could make a quick fortune.

    Take a look at the company’s chart:

    Notice the volume and the price creeping up? It looks exactly like Force Protection did right before it soared from 70 cents to over $17 in less than a year. It also looks a heck of a lot like Tix Corporation did right before it bolted from $0.35 to $4.20 in six months.

    And here’s the thing you gotta understand: Once a micro cap starts to move, the window of opportunity is very short. That’s because the price increase attracts big institutions, and the heavy volume launches the stock into orbit practically overnight.

    You either get in early... or miss out completely.

    That’s exactly where we are today with the 35-cent Australian miner I’ve been telling you about. The profit fuse has been lit on this company and it could double... triple... or even quadruple in the next few days.

    In fact, in the coming weeks, I wouldn’t be surprised to see big mutual funds taking an initial position at $2, $3, or even $3.75 per share. You can get in now for a mere $0.35.

    If you’re ready to move fast, this could be a very lucrative ride.

    How high could it go? Let’s take a look:

    How High Could It Go?
    As you know, exploration companies have already made investors rich.

    For example:

    Frontier Development Group (FRG.TO): This uranium miner went from 75 cents in September 2004 to $8.23 in April 2006. That’s over 1,000% in 18 months.

    Strata Oil & Gas (SOIGF.OB:OTC): This Canadian oil exploration company went from 79 cents in September 2005 to $7.95 in July 2006. That’s over 1,000% in ten months.

    International Tower Hill Mines (ITH.V): This junior gold miner went from 34 cents in May 2006 to $3.40 in September 2006. That’s 1,000% in four months.

    Katanga Mining (KAT.TO): This copper company went from 80 cents in June 2005 to $8.45 in April 2006. That’s 1,000% in ten months.

    ECU Silver (ECU.V): This silver miner went from $0.35 in December 2005 to $3.65 in September 2006... a 1,000% gain in nine months.

    Blue Pearl Mining (BLE.TO): This exploration company went from 70 cents in January 2006 to $7.55 in October 2006...a 1,000% gain in under ten months.

    The company I’m recommending today offers similar riches. Maybe a lot more.

    Sound crazy? It’s happened before. Many times. I’ve already told you about the numerous micro-cap stocks that have jumped tenfold in the last year alone.

    I told you how IIIN went from $1 to $28.

    And how Skye went from $1.75 to $17.50.

    And how U.S. Gold went from $1 to $10.40.

    Listen to me now. Get in now for $0.35, and you could have people begging to give you $2, $3 or even $4 per share.

    Of course, a micro-cap stock like this is too small for me to recommend to my 23,000 readers. But it is something I could recommend to a much smaller group...

    Small Private Group = Big Advantage
    As the editor of WaveStrength Trader and Diligent Investor, my goal is to help people make quick conservative gains. And I’ve done just that. In fact, in the last year alone, my readers have pulled in gains of:

    150% in 2 days…
    58% in 9 days…
    75% in 31 days…
    65% in 31 days…
    54% in 1 day…
    53% in 9 days…
    50% in 26 days…
    25% in 1 day…
    40% in 1 day…
    37% in 1 day…
    29% in 5 days…
    32% in 4 days…
    29% in 1 day…
    32% in 9 days…
    31% in 5 days…
    30% in 6 days…
    26% in 2 days…
    29% in 3 days.
    Pretty good. Thing is, I realized that my readers are missing out on some of the best micro-cap opportunities. Companies like:

    Cambridge Heart, the medical research firm that soared from 25 cents to $3.80, a 1,000% gain in 11 months…
    Patriot Scientific Corporation, the microprocessor company that bolted from 20 cents to $2.25, a 1,000% gain in three months…
    Foamex International, the polyurethane manufacturer that jumped from 30 cents to $4.10, over 1,000% in four months…
    Blue Pearl Mining, 64 cents to $6.97, a 1,000% gain in under ten months…
    ECU Silver, $0.35 to $3.65... a 1,000% gain in nine months.
    I hate seeing stocks that I discover shoot up in price without your being able to benefit from the information.

    That’s why I’ve decided to launch a new private group called Diligent Investor’s MicroCap HotSheet.

    Membership in MicroCap HotSheet puts you in elite company — a truly small group of savvy individuals looking to profit from sizzling hot micro caps.

    With MicroCap HotSheet, you’ll receive at least one of the very best micro-cap stocks I uncover each and every month.

    These stocks will be small companies most people have never heard of. And while not all of them will work out, many of these stocks could go on to deliver tenfold gains.

    Just like the 35-cent Australian rare earth stock I’ve been telling you about.

    If you sign up for MicroCap HotSheet, I’ll rush you a Special Report that will give you all the details on this 35-cent stock, including the name of the company and ticker symbol.

    I truly believe this stock is a surefire tenbagger. Of course, as a Member of MicroCap HotSheet, it will only be the first in an ongoing flow of micro-cap winners.

    As I mentioned, I come across a new micro-cap stock at least once a month. And when I do, you’ll be the first to know. Not all of these companies will deliver 1,000% gains. But as you can see above, the chances of pocketing big gains... are very realistic.

    Unfortunately, most people are going to miss out on this opportunity.

    Only 500 Charter Membership Spots Available
    Because these micro-cap stocks are small companies, it would be difficult for me to send this information to thousands and thousands of people.

    The surge of trading volume would drive the price through the roof before most people had a chance to get in early.

    So, I’ve come up with a way that allows you to take full advantage of these little known, ultra-profitable companies.

    You can join MicroCap HotSheet as one of 500 privileged Charter Members. These special Charter Membership spots will be on a first-come, first-serve period. No exceptions.

    With this letter going to my 23,000 readers, as well as over 327,000 investors worldwide, I expect those initial 500 Charter Member spaces to sell out very quickly, probably within the next few hours.

    And, because I expect these 500 folks to be the cream of the crop, I’m going to sweeten the deal.

    As a Charter Member of MicroCap HotSheet, you’ll receive an entire second year of MicroCap HotSheet... absolutely free!

    But that’s not all...

    In addition to receiving a second year free of MicroCap HotSheet, you’ll receive a one-year subscription to my other investment advisory service, Diligent Investor... absolutely free! (That’s a $99 value… yours free!)

    This way, you’ll have a virtually never-ending stream of potentially highly-profitable recommendations arriving in your e-mail box like clockwork.

    I can’t think of any better way to indulge in the lucrative world of micro caps than through MicroCap HotSheet. And here’s the best part.

    Membership is probably less than you would imagine it to cost.

    My publisher suggested we charge at least $4,500 annually for MicroCap HotSheet.

    But I’m so excited about the potential this tiny 35-cent company offers, I didn’t want price to be an issue. So here’s the deal...

    If you’re among the 500 MicroCap HotSheet Charter Members, you can enroll today for only $1,750.

    That’s a ridiculously low price. And remember: You get a second year of MicroCap HotSheet absolutely free. Plus one full year (12 months) of Diligent Investor absolutely free as well.

    But please understand: This offer is only for the first 500 Members.

    After the Charter Memberships are gone, we will open the remaining 1,000 spots.

    People who sign up late could wind up paying the $4,500 price my publisher suggested… and they may not be entitled to the second year of MicroCap HotSheet free… nor one full year of Diligent Investor free.

    If you add up the entire value of the Charter Membership package I’m offering you, you’ll see what a fantastic deal it is:

    One year of MicroCap HotSheet $1,750
    One extra year of MicroCap HotSheet $1,750
    One year of Diligent Investor $ 99
    Total: $3,599

    Act now, and you will save a bundle! You pay only $1,750 for all three!

    And don’t forget, you’ll get ongoing access to remarkable profit micro-cap sensations like Force Protection, which soared from 70 cents to $13... and Tix Corp., which bolted from $0.35 to $4.20... and Katanga Mining, which launched from 80 cents to $8.45.

    And best of all, the moment I hear from you, I’ll send you the Special Report with all the details on the 35-cent stock that will likely hit $5 in the next six months.

    There is one catch, however. In order to become a MicroCap HotSheet Charter Member, you must be able to meet the three qualifications outlined below.

    Do you have what it takes to join us? Let’s find out:

    Do You Have What It Takes?
    Qualification #1: You must be comfortable with micro caps. The stocks we recommend are small. In some cases, they may be very volatile.

    And while the stocks have the potential to soar tenfold, they can also experience rapid price declines. MicroCap HotSheet is only for people who are comfortable putting a small amount of money into a potentially huge winner.

    Qualification #2: You must be able to keep a secret. No blabbermouths. Sharing
    MicroCap HotSheet stock picks with people who are not within our private group is strictly prohibited.


    Because it puts our profit opportunities at risk! One of the reasons we only allow 1,500 Members is so everyone can get in BEFORE the stock takes off.

    If we have hoards of extra people riding our coattails... it could prevent some of our MicroCap HotSheet Members from grabbing maximum profits.

    Bottom line: Keep the picks confidential for 48 hours. You can share war stories with your friends and family AFTER we take gains. Fair enough?

    Qualification #3: You must act now. With over 23,000 of my loyal readers (as well as 327,000 investors worldwide) receiving this exclusive invitation, the 500 charter spots are going to go fast.

    Act now. I’d hate to see someone less deserving steal your spot. Remember: If you are one of the first 500 Charter Members, you only pay $1,750... PLUS you get a second year of MicroCap HotSheet absolutely free along with one free year of Diligent Investor.

    People who are even one minute late could end up paying $4,500 each and every year.

    I think you’ll agree: Not only is this opportunity a bargain... it could also make you very rich. And here’s my personal promise to you:

    I Give You My Word
    Go ahead now and give MicroCap HotSheet a try. Reserve your space before it sells out. The moment I hear from you, I’ll send you the Special Report. Read it. And then grab a few shares of this 35-cent stock.

    And do it quickly... because this stock is getting ready to soar. And listen: If you don’t have at least a TRIPLE in your pocket by the end of 2007, just say the word. I’ll refund every penny of your subscription.

    And you know what? If for any reason you aren’t happy, just let me know in the next 90 days. I’ll refund your entire subscription fee. Why wouldn’t I? The waiting list is going to be a mile long...

    The important thing is for you to get in now, reserve your space and seize what could be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

    Just click the subscribe button below or call us Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., at 1-877-465-1416.

    Do it now...


    A.M. Sosnowski
    Editor, MicroCap HotSheet

    P.S. Things are heating up faster than expected. I had a conversation with the COO of the Australian Rare Earths company. Full-scale operations could commence any day now. This 35-cent stock could hit $5 sooner than I originally thought. I suggest you act now to avoid missing out.

    P.P.S. Don’t forget: As a Charter Member of MicroCap HotSheet, you’ll get a never-ending flow of hot micro-cap resource stocks... delivered to your inbox like clockwork. But we can only offer a Charter Membership to the first 500 folks who respond. So please act now to reserve your space.

    Information as of: December 12, 2006

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