Just how the polls got it so wrong, page-14

  1. 6,764 Posts.
    Have been thinking the very same thing since Turnbull's monstrous gaff by calling a DD while in a commanding position only to lose so much ground despite what the polls claimed

    I thought exactly the same with brexit

    Now once again with Trump, all of this within twelve months despite what we were being told ?

    Its left me wondering, are the pollsters running the media or the media running the pollsters ?
    Also how much emphasis are they putting into social media for their information,according to all the news channel's both brexit and Trump went against every social media trend, Instagram,twitter etc

    Apparently its our youth who are feeling the most defeated in both instances. Considering that not too many blue collar workers etc or stay at home mums are spending their time tweeting away its fair to assume the media are picking up the vibes from those that are, including those from politicians and the famous, if so hell mend them for being so dumb to overlook the majority of the non interested, non savvy, non social media participators

    The frightening thing is, that one day the tweeters will be the mainstream and they wont have the guts to speak their own minds in fear of retribution

    So instead of everyone asking why did she lose, the real question should be, ' who is yanking our chain" ?
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