Why Did Hillary Lose?, page-220

  1. Imo
    430 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Most politicians are so far removed from the mainstream voter it is only a matter of time when mainstream reacts. Look at our current bunch of pollies. Busy discussing paragraph 18c or something like that, licking still the wounds from the plebiscite, etc. Naturally the media whips these topics up like it is the most important thing and the well oiled and heeled minority groups gobble it up like cream pies - ecstatic about our donor mentality without thinking that somebody pays for all of that. In most cases it is not these groups themself which pay (not only in money terms but also in changing the social fabric beyond recognition) and hence it is very easy to give something away if you surround yourself with the 'same opinions'. And it leads to more and more bizarre ideas which with the exception of these groups themself nobody else can or want to follow because ordinary people have to navigate life with kids, schools, health, work, etc issues which are changed and/or cut year after year. No money to look after your own population but plenty to go to war and take subsequently new migrants in. No minimum expectation for these newcomers just come as you are and bring your baggage with you while on the other hand our own population has to jump through more and more loops to get any service. The price we have to pay to be multicultural? Maybe all the studies which show us how much better off we are are as relevant as the exit polls in the US? People want that the politicians they vote for look after their interest! I don't think that is to hard to understand. Probably not a politically correct view. If you want to change the world that is fine but you might have to use your own resources and not already diminishing public resources.
    If this can happen in the US similar things can happen in Europe. It will be interesting how the media will handle it after the disaster in the UK and the US. Maybe playing the underdog would be the next best thing but that would mean that the media has to realise that a considerable number of people have a different opinion and are not just deplorables.
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