New federal Polls shock!, page-27

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 313
    Raider have you noticed that the Labor backed CFMEU is endeavouring to ramp up wages dramatically (Nationally) over the next 3 - 4 years.

    Can you imagine the damage that will do to the WA economy if/when the hapless and talentless McGowan stumbles into power next year?? Be careful what you wish for. Remember useless Carpenter; on the take Bourke; C.R.A.F.T Lawrence; Feeble Gallup; waffler Dowding>> hmmm??

    Construction costs will escalate just at the time the government is planning to expand its infrastructure projects!
    Just when, thanks to the finality of the resource boom, the unemployment rate in WA heads for 7%.

    I think it is quite obvious that there is an international revolt occurring by the masses who in the main are fed up with the leftist, soft co*k, bed wetting, obsequious, PC hierarchy pervading western societies throughout Europe and the balance of the World.

    The list of pending elections (France, Netherlands, Italy to name a few) must strike fear in the hearts of the elite leftists usurping power throughout the World. Witness " Brexit" and Trump !

    Much to the chagrin of many, Hanson will undoubtedly gain huge appeal as the next election approaches as will others such as the ALA. The net losses will inevitably be within Liberal and Labor ranks as disenchanted voters vent their frustrations at benign, self interested politicians. This democracy. It's just a pity that the mainstream politicians do not have a grip on the realities faced by everyday workers and those particularly battling to raise a family.

    I think some of the blame can be sheeted back at the media. Politicians are now overly cautious in any statements or proposals for fear of castigation from the media not the least of which are from the left leaning Labor/Greens backing ALPBC who are incessantly seeking a childish "gotcha" moment for personal gratification and peer adulation. This has commonly been the case for decades however, it has reached a frenzied level under the blatantly Labor /Greens supporting, left biased Jones, Alberici, Sales, Lane, Trioli, brigade.

    It is patently clear that in WA, the government was not prudent enough and overextended spending on the assumption that the mining boom was here for a much longer period. I remember the pundits of the time such a Estlake extolling the virtues of a long period of China growth extending into the higher personal Chinese income sphere where they would be expanding constantly into a large middle class. This was predicted by him to then be supplemented by India's "renaissance".
    Well, Estlake has been exposed as a pompous self opinionated fool. He I not alone and many such pundits were promoting to government and the media just how sustainable the Chinese explosion was.

    I'm not excusing the current WA government as I said, they should have been more circumspect regarding expenditure.

    I hope, if the State Labor Party is successful in wresting power from the Barnett government they will be more prudent and focussed on sustainable, job creating, future income earning infrastructure. However, I am not optimistic based on their own parlous history.

    In conclusion, it does appear that the times they are a changin', as far as the public's support for traditional political parties who are failing their constituents.
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