Short Term Trading Weekend Lounge: 25-27 Nov, page-29

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    Mouse ,

    Women are bit like stocks I reckon.. A few tips ...that may be a bit outdated now ... but I find lessons in love (girls and stocks) transcend time in almost all cases.

    So here we go... strap your self in.. .... the 14 commandments are:-

    1. Don't get sucked in by a sexy chart ... its her personality that matters.

    2. There needs to be good story ... If your bored out of your mind at a short dinner date (now matter how tartly she is dressed)you can be assured the relationship is going nowhere.

    3. She must be capable of delivering the wow factor when it gets down to tin tacks... No sense dating someone with no goey.

    4. Beware of the big spending ones... they will break you heart in the long run ... lean and mean with the $$ else you will be fleeced and be living on the street in no time.

    5. One night stands ... If she goes off of the 1st date then you might want to consider your "other" options. Is she a day trader stock ?

    6. Beware of mutton dressed up as lamb ... If she's been around the racetrack a few times and stilled not hooked into sustainable relationship/uptrend you may have to as some questions as to why ?

    7. Teasers ... Take your money and get nothing in return ... Avoid teasers you will just end up frustrated.

    8. Does she lick (...err tick ) all the boxes... on your list. Don't forget your list.

    9. Watch your stops ... It its obvious its going nowhere then the sooner you bail the better. Apparently done by SMS these days

    10. Bad Habits ... If she has any recurring and habits you may want to reconsider as past performance is a key indicator of the future

    11. MGMT ... Family meetings / (AKA directors meetings) ... Look for unusual behaviour ..Weird ones in positions of power which could lead to a rocky road ahead.

    12. Friends (Nearology) ... Be wary of good looking friends sometimes grass looks greener... but its usually not.

    13. Promises of happiness/Dreamers... Beware of those offering a spectacular happy relationships. Almost guaranteed you will be "Under"whelmed.

    14. Last but not least... If you get so entwined financially and things go sour and break (... forced divorce) expect to be digging so deep into your pockets as to touch your toes.

    ...and So concludes the STT Guide to stocks and woman. Please feel free to add if Ive omitted anything obvious..

    PS: Appols to any ladies reading this ... Perhaps you may care to respond with a Boyfriend/Stock analogy ...
    Last edited by Freehold: 25/11/16
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