BDR 0.00% 6.5¢ beadell resources limited

Gold price, page-9202

  1. 385 Posts.
    Chinese buying GOLD @ $24.00 to $30.00 over international spot
    Nonsensical question: POG to keep dropping. Paper Gold or Physical Gold?
    US unemployment @ 4.6% with 95 million Yanks outta the workforce? (@paris123456 Gold Chart) US economy skyrocketing thanks to Obama.
    According to David Icke and Clif High the Annuaki came down to earth, changed our DNA, to enslave us to mine GOLD. I think????
    Tobelerone chocolate is now 10% smaller, but same price. Chicks are going to spew! Do chicks prefer chocolate over GOLD? Hidden inflation????
    I am spending the weekend with my favourite girlfriend Linda Sue Dixon, to come back to reality.
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