ITE i.t.& e limited

possible reason for aim weakness, page-12

  1. 399 Posts.
    Hi Danlupi,

    The psychological strategies I use Danlupi, are many and variois...

    And the reason they are many and various; is the the fear engendering-- (which is irrational.... but feels bad ....all the same)....."Devil of Doubt" ...can attack the mind Danlupi, and sub-conscious psyhe-- on many levels... and from different naughty perspectives...

    First thing to say Danlupi, is that, imo,...

    The best strategies are of course ... Simple Quick easy to remember ...and Apply even when your feeling like crap .....strategies.....

    The second thing to say-- is that arming yourselves with facts and saying those facts repeatedly is a good start.

    The other thingDanlupi, ; is that I will put down my next ten (10) best-- mental mind strategies-- that work for me-- in the next 24-48 hours-- so you can then Danlupi, write them on a piece of paper and put them somewhere you can visualize and remind yourself of them...

    Here is however a clue imo- Danlupi, to begin with :

    If your psychogical mind control strategies Danlupi, are based on arming yourself with only the Truth, realism, and Total Absolute fullsome Honesty; and also allow.... for the Margin of Safety....which I know, I do.... go on... and on ....and on about-- that also allows for the most likely Worst Scenario--,,,, .....and not just ,,,holds to the best scenario-- .....

    .... And if Danlupi, that "realsitic worst sceanrio"-- --is something not too bad anyway-- and if the truth says -- by slowing down the racing mind- to a slower more rational bio-rhythm--Danlupi,...

    ie:-- breathe slowly--go for a walk--breathe in and out deeply-- five times-- and Danlupi, that you truly truly do.... get to know the facts and only the facts-- so well; that they are second nature-- to recount to oneself-- --knowledge is power-- that can be, imo, at least a good start-- ....and a good basis.... to --imo-- guard --"your head"-- against what Mr Market... (often devil in disguise imo) might tempt you.... to believe... and..... play silly games with your brain...

    Finally Danlupi, imo, always, always-- ..... ONLY-- look at the Company and its actual real paid up Clients--not at the stock share price Ticker--remember Danlupi, --the Company and its Clients who have voted with their significant amounts of Money (millions of dollars each ) Invested.... to become a (ITE) client--==- and paid to use the Company--(ITE) ---and to be with the Company-(ITE) -- focus steadilly & repeatedly... only... on that-- not focus, Danlupi, on the "mad/bad mouse" schizzo stock Ticker ....

    Will Danlupi, give you a copy of Robbo's List of Tactics via here; on, HC-- in 24-48 hours, as I said above...

    Hope that begins in the meantime, to maybe help... just a little...

    Kindest Regards,


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    Kindest Regards,


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