BLR 0.00% 0.2¢ black range minerals limited

research on blr

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    Just a rehash of past research & posts on BLR ... If you are interested in finding out more on BLR, I hope it helps ..... If you have read these before, just ignore.

    This consolidation seems to be confirming 10 cents as the bottom .... news should/could come through at any time & will take it to the next level ... 15 cents plus IMO


    For those of you who want to do some research on BLR, Wyoming uranium … You might want to check out this link:

    Notice that most uranium projects listed here are in the states located Centre/West in the US: Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico.

    WYOMING: Eagle & Cyclone Rim projects - Near Sweetwater Mill

    COLORADO: Taylor Ranch Deposit (100% BLR) is there, but is mistakenly listed under Wyoming! Notice they say here that as of 1999 there was 3850 tonnes U in place. Just re-reading BLR's announcement, they mention that they have only properly drilled ONE target, another EIGHT mineralized target have got "ore-grade mineralization" but have never been followed-up!

    Company says:
    1] This project is at an "advanced" stage
    2] JORC early 2007
    3] Conceivably in production in "near future ... mill close by in Canon City.

    No doubt in my mind it has been professionally held back & accumulated ... As I have said before the Septic Tanks are buying!


    I noticed this from the website of General Atomic's subsidiary company, Cotter:

    "Wyoming Uranium Properties - Cotter's uranium holdings in Wyoming are the undeveloped Charlie and Taylor Ranch deposits. Both properties are located in the Southern Powder River Basin in northeast Wyoming. The Charlie deposit, owned 100% by Cotter, contains 4.2 million pounds U3O8 (1,610 mtU). Cotter Corporation owns a 50% interest in the Taylor Ranch deposit through a joint venture with Cameco Corporation. Cotter's share of the Taylor Ranch uranium reserves is 5.0 million pounds U3O8 (1,900 mtU)."

    So it appears the project may be too small for General Atomic & Cameco ... both are uranium GIANTS... and they have on-sold it too Black Range. (General Atomic/Heathgate must be finding too much uranium at AGS' Beverley 4-Mile!!!)

    Interesting that we have Cameco, Cotter, and now also, Uranerz, who have taken on BLR as a J/V partner at Eagle & Cyclone Rim projects..... Have you got all of that !! How may major players BLR is getting involved with!!

    This is getting interesting!!! BLR are getting into bed with some serious players!


    You are right … Cyclone Rim & Eagle are small deposits. Drilling hasn’t stated yet on Cyclone Rim the bigger deposit. Weather permitting, they should start drilling soon, and then will work up the JORC on that ..... another 3 months away IMO.

    Having said that, both these projects must be taken in context. They have both only had limited exploration work on them in the '70's. Modern exploration techniques have never been used. BLR have NOT bought in them for the value of the small deposits they currently have, but for the prospects of a MUCH larger deposit they possibly might have. They are HIGHLY prospective. In fact, I believe the market would have rated these projects more highly if they had NO defined deposits & were purely speculative – That is the nature of the market, they prefer the unknown to the known, and in this case are being “fooled” by the apparent small amount of uranium so far found. Some points to consider:

    *Both the deposits are open in BOTH directions along strike.
    *BLR are targeting higher grade extensions, which they feel exist
    *In Cyclone Rim only 3 of the 6 mineralized zones have so far been drilled
    *In the Eagle Project only 3 of the 4 mineralized targets have been drilled
    *The mineralized trend was only "spars_ely drilled" in the 70's
    *BLR states: "Considerable potential" exists with mineralization open both ends along strike
    *If there was no promise in these projects then a significant company like Uranerz would sell them off & not bother J/v them and retaining a piddly 50% stake in a “tiny” deposit!!!.
    *These 2 projects are just a stepping-stone for BLR ... they have now added Taylor Ranch and are in discussions for some more USA uranium projects.
    *As has been mentioned, someone is buying LARGE amounts of BLR stock

    Look, in all honesty, there is only a handful of companies that are "dead cert” uranium players at the moment, including; PDN, ERA, SMM, AGS, etc etc. (no offence if I left any out) - Most others are highly speculative, as is BLR, and should be approached as such. Only invest in them if you can stand to lose that money, BLR included. BUT, the secret to making serious money in this market is to identify something special early on. PDN was such a case some years back, AGS was another I bought @ 5-6 cents in 2005, while others bagged it. DYL was viewed by many as overpriced at 12cents ....? And so on.

    Quite a few investors are doing the numbers on BLR and coming up with a vibrant, well-run company that is building an inventory of highly prospective projects. Success in any ONE of these will see much greater interest & re-rating of the SP.

    Speculative? .......... Yes indeed, but the risk/reward ratio outweigh that & is a very good one IMO


    Hi TC

    Where will BLR be in 3, 6, 12 months?

    Man I wish I could come up with an accurate answer

    Purely on the uranium boom which is just starting, they have potential to get to 15-20 cents.

    If they can define economical deposits then 30 cents plus

    Ferris-Haggerty could turn into a company-maker on its own if they find wide gold/copper intercepts around & underneath the old workings.

    There are quite a few good uranium plays at the moment, but BLR seems the best one to accumulate as far as I am concerned.

    PLUS ... Someone with deep pockets is buying ... a good sign



    Hi Darth Trader ... you are right in pointing out that there is risk associated with BLR ... in fact with ANY investment & trade in the s/market.

    Regards you view of BLR, I do sense a case of the half a glass of water syndrome.

    To you it is half empty - To me it is half full.

    How so? You take the negative angle on Uranerz, while I look at it positively:

    1] Uranerz is not j/v-ing their "risky acreage" as you put it - if you research properly you will see that their policy is to j/v ALL their exploration projects, as they put it: "as a means of reducing our exploration risk." Semantics I know, but that conveys a significantly different meaning. They are now free to concentrate on their Powder River Basin mine development.

    2] This approach is taken by many "large" mining houses. IE: BHP, RIO, Xtrata ... who focus on their mines while forming j/v's with small companies & then later decide to proceed or not. Remember a small company that Rio made a j/v with in Laos, at a place called Sepon? They then decided it was too "risky" and sold out? What was their name again? OXIANA something or other!!!
    My point: This is not a "half-empty" negative for BLR - This is a "half-full" opportunity!!!

    3] Another positive is Uranerz' choice of BLR as a partner. Remember that they want VALUE form their exploration properties, and hence will align themselves with companies they feel can achieve something. Two other companies they have j/v's with are Triex Minerals & Blue Rock resources. Both top tier Canadian uranium explorers trading at about C$4.50 & C$1.00 respectively on the TSX. The third is BLR!!! .... a glass half full IMO!

    4] A final point is how the Directors of BLR view the alliance with Uranerz. Rather that the "be all & end all" they see it as the start: As "a PART of the companies growth strategy" and also: that it "provides the company with an excellent opportunity to BEGIN to realize its growth objectives.

    5] As proof of that a few months later they acquire 90% of the high-grade Ferris Haggerty gold/copper project, & then a few months after that they acquire 100% of the Taylor Ranch uranium project. They then announce: "negotiations to acquire several additional advanced uranium projects in the USA continue."

    6] I see BLR as akin to a younger DYL. *Good aggressive management *On the acquisition trail for good projects *Aligning themselves with quality players

    I just looked again & the glass is three quarter full!!

    Happy to hear your sober viewpoints – But quite happy to propound mine!

    Cheers & may the ‘borse be with you’ :-))

    Good to see that Uranerz will still be actively involved in the Wyoming J/V ..... BLR will manage & fund the drilling campaign, but Uranerz will obviously lend their expertise in "proving up" these projects to mineable status.

    Frome their website blog:

    "After the Uranerz exploration drilling has been completed in the Powder River Basin for the present campaign, it is planned that the equipment will be moved to the Great Divide Basin to confirm historically known resources, and possibly extend the mineralized trends at Uranerz's Eagle and Cyclone Rim projects. Black Range Minerals recently signed a joint venture agreement to earn into these projects and will be responsible for managing and funding the Great Divide Basin part of the exploration program. Black Range is obliged to spend at least US$100,000 per year on exploration on these projects and to spend the first US$750,000 on exploration within the next three years."

    For those of us who have been following BLR closely over the last few months, there is no doubt that someone is seeking to take a large position in the stock without spooking the market.

    So who is buying? As has been mentioned before, BLR are rubbing shoulders & getting involved with some uranium heavyweights in the USA

    *General Atomic's subsidiary company, Cotter who held 50% interest in BLR’s new Taylor Ranch deposit.

    * Cameco Corporation was 50% joint venture partner with Cotter

    *Then there is Uranerz, who have now taken on BLR as a J/V partner at Eagle & Cyclone Rim Projects

    So in obtaining these projects they have been in discussions with: CAMECO; COTTER; URANERZ, and there would have been consultants, brokers, accountants, lawyers, & others party to these negotiations.

    BLR have also advised that they are in negotiations to acquire "several" more additional projects. Once again, involving quite a few participants who will be aware of BLR's potential, & their corporate strategy to become a near-term producer.

    As I have said before, the Septic Tanks are buying here, and top of my list is URANERZ ... what better strategy than to take a position in a junior that they are actively involved with!

    Ah! ... It is all good! ... All will be revealed soon enough!

    In the meantime, accumulate, be patient, and be rewarded


    Some info on Wyoming:

    "Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal really likes the current uranium bull market, “I hope the price of yellowcake stays up, and things get moving.” Yes, the Wyoming democratic governor strongly endorses uranium mining in his state. That would make sense because Wyoming is the largest U.S. uranium producer. More than 40 percent of the uranium reserves in the United States are located in Wyoming, according to the reserves and resource estimate published by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). Since hitting a bottom in late December 2000, the spot price of uranium has soared by more than 500 percent, reaching current highs. The last time uranium traded this high, President Jimmy Carter was into the second month of his first term.

    Unlike some states, where uranium mining is frowned upon, or banned, Wyoming welcomes the industry with open arms. “We’ve always sort of been comfortable with the uranium industry,” Freudenthal told “The uranium industry is part of our history. It’s not something that is frightening or alarming to us.” Freudenthal clearly sees nuclear energy as a potential solution for the energy crisis, “I don’t think anybody has any reservations that we need to have greater domestic capability in energy. I think, in the circles that worry about those equations, there is clearly a role for nuclear power.

    What does the Governor have to say to the new flock of uranium development companies, joining Cameco’s Power Resources in mining Wyoming’s uranium? There are several companies, which are now beginning to move their projects forward. Freudenthal states, “We’re past the speculators. People know it (uranium) is here. Nobody wants to hit the market too early. And they don’t want to be too late. It’ll move. I just don’t know when. But when it does, we’re in a position to respond to it. We’ve got the goods. We’ve got the right regulatory climate.””

    Bring it on I say

    Robert Healey is the no.1 BLR shareholder at 50 Million shares 11.72% …He also owns over 16million BLRO as well

    He has put a fair investment into this company .... Builds up my confidence in that a pedigree investor such as Healey has taken such a large position in BLR

    Robert Healey is no.2 on the top 20 Holders of DYL with 62 Million share holding and currently in the Top 20 holder of Paladin with a current holding of 13 Million shares.

    He seems to be a very smart investor and is a multi, multi-millionaire based on DYL & PDN alone .... He has earned 140million from DYL & PDN alone. It is either his intuition, research, or great advice from his advisor that has assisted him thus far.

    His modus operandi seems to be to buy into emerging uranium companies when the SP is low & presents good upside value. Interesting that with dozens of uranium explorers and wannabees, he has chosen BLR to take such a big stake in!


    Hi people

    I keep a spreadsheet that maintains the value of uranium shares based on the amount of uranium they have to the M/cap.

    The first example is PDN, using Langer Heinrich, and arriving at a ratio of: 1tonne U / market cap ... in the case of PDN, for every tonne of U, they have a MC of A$98,596.06

    U3O8 - 97,003,368 lbs (Langer H only)
    Spot price - A$92.00
    Insitu Value – A$8,931,256,389
    Diluted MC - A$4,338,226,731.54
    MC:1t U3O8 Ratio - A$98,596.06
    Current price A$8.66

    Now applying those figures to BLR we come up with a VERY LOW ratio as can be seen from the 2 examples below. Example 1 = for 15,000,000lbs of U & Example 2 = for 20,000,000lbs of U

    1] BLR
    U3O8 - 15,000,000 lbs (Taylor Ranch only)
    Spot price - A$92.00
    Insitu Value – A$1,381,074,169
    Diluted MC - $78,774,797.00
    MC:1t U3O8 Ratio - $11,577.91
    Current price $0.125

    Projected price based on SAME ratio as PDN = $1.06

    2] BLR
    U3O8 - 20,000,000 lbs (Taylor Ranch only)
    Spot price - A$92.00
    Insitu Value – A $1,841,432,225
    Diluted MC - $78,774,797.00
    MC:1t U3O8 Ratio - $8,683.43
    Current price $0.125

    Projected price based on SAME ratio as PDN = $1.42

    Just to explain that: If we were to apply the same ratio that PDN has, to BLR, we get a projected SP of $1.06, or $1.42 depending on the deposit size. So based on just the CURRENT uranium potential, they have a possible SP of $1.00 - $1.50 once these are JORC'ed & production is timelined

    I am only using PDN as a guide. It is a producer now & has other projects in the pipeline. But, BLR also have a lot more happening during 2007

    *Possible extensions to Eagle, Cyclone Rim, Taylor Ranch
    *Near-term gold/copper production potential at Ferris Haggerty
    *Massive extension potential at Koonenbury
    *Current advanced aquisition

    IMO … BLR possesses MASSIVE upside potential

    DYOR please .... I have!


    Just a bit further:

    I used this spreadsheet over the last 14 months to determine that AGS was WAY under priced to it's peers ... I piled in big-time into AGS, have posted these sorts of comparisons for AGS for over 7 months now, and have been VERY well rewarded for it.

    I have applied the same criteria to BLR in determining it's value as a serious investment. There are 3 things that have driven me to accumulate a very large amount of BLR/O:

    1] Initially the large buyer/capper that has been accumulating over the last month ... I saw EXACTLY the same pattern in AGS between 25-35cents

    2] The application of the ratios previously posted. I have already posted here on HC that Taylor's Ranch was MUCH bigger than thought - 3850 tonnes+ based on Cotter's website & www.wise-uranium

    2] The final nail for me was Robert Healey's massive holdings in 3 shares: 1] PDN 2] DYL and 3] BLR ... all worth over $150 million .... A wise man once told me: "Always follow the big money!"

    Please DYOR ... I have done mine ... :-))


    In relation to the $1.00 - $1.50 prices for BLR ... At the moment BLR is a spec ..... albeit a spec with a heck of a lot happening in 2007. They will need to do the following:

    JORC up Taylor Ranch to 15mill lbs U
    JORC up Cyclone Rim & Eagle to 5million lbs plus....
    Get feasibility studies done
    Achieve timeline to mine development & production

    If they are on the road to achieving that by 2nd half of 2007 then 50cents plus S/P is not impossible.

    However factor in:

    *A further high-grade acquisition (Now in advanced stage)
    *Extensions to Koonebury
    *Something special at Ferris H .... quite possible
    *More U-mania in 2007 ... a given IMO

    Then we start to see a fuller picture......

    Finally, in relation to uranium supplies. PDN's 1,500t production in 2007 will not fill a hollow tooth of the 100 or so new reactors planned, or being built in 2007!!! Experts agree that their will be no uranium surplus until after 2014 or thereabouts. IMO BLR "is in the right place at the right time!


    Hi dlhoey123

    Thats a good set of questions .... This is my firm belief:

    Every 10 years or so we get some sort of amazing boom market

    1980's = Gold
    1990's = Tech boom
    2006 - 2008 = uranium boom .... This is going to be one of those opportunities that can set you up for life, and I am going to take advantage of it!

    How ... by finding, researching & investing in stocks that can deliver the goods.

    AGS was one ... it has set me up financially
    ARU so far has been an amazing "no brainer"
    BLR has all the hallmarks of an easy 5x bagger IMO ... hence I have heavily accumulated

    WHY BLR:

    * Someone DEFINATELY accumulating (same with AGS) This has got me very excited (ala: todays big buyer & seller - same person!!!)
    * They are mainly operating offshore Australia ... The US has been neglected exploration-wise & gov is keen to get uranium production going. Also diversifies my risk.
    * Aggressive management that are working hard to aquire new exciting projects & getting growth into the company & S/price
    * Their copper/gold projects have additional diversified appeal and have high prospectivity

    At the same time I have not ignored other U stocks. I currently still hold a few & have recently taken good profits on OMC, URA, DYL, SAU, CUY, GSE, CVI, & UTO ... I have traded a number of others, and keep my eye on a few more that I think have great potential come April.

    However, to make serious money requires more than just trading a few here & there. It needs a mix of spotting a bargain, accumulating a large parcel & a dash of luck! I feel that BLR was & still is such a bargain when I began accumulating @ 6.2 cents. They continue to deliver the "good" announcements, and looking at the reports, will be constantly providing those over the next 12 months.

    It fits my profile as one of the stocks to be in during 2007 - which IMO is going to be an amazing year.

    Hope that covers your question

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