Intentions questioned, page-112

  1. 9,293 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 512
    Jam, Jam Jambo12, there you go again.

    Climate deniers tactics Rule #1: deny the facts. Global warming DENIAL is indeed a religion and isn't science, no matter how many times you repeat it.

    If you would kindly read the definitions of scientific theory as provided you would find the words observable, repeatable. These could be applied for instance to the greenhouse gas effect.

    And no, I don't mean the repetitious bleatings from denialists about Al Gore, or Tim Flannery. You may or may not be right about Al Gore making "a lot of money from it." I wouldn't know and I doubt you would either beyond parroting a glib phrase.

    But anyway, so what? The Al Gore reference doesn't alter the observable, repeatable facts underpinning the greenhouse gas effect.

    The Al Gore reference is a red herring used by fringe dwelling outlying denialists to avoid the actual debate.
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