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last chance before u miss out, page-27

  1. 399 Posts.
    Marathon (MTN) versus SMM --

    ( and being rational about Price and Value )... .

    Hi Redder;

    Thanks for your thoughts re Summitt.(SMM)....

    You do not need ever apologize to me Redder, coz you debated the share being discussed-- and dialogued about it smerits or otehrwise-- and did not attack me personally-- or impugn my integrity.

    So your comments were welcomed, perfectly fine and perfectly legiitmate.

    And I take this opp Redder; to register my appreciation accordingly.

    Here is all that I am asking readers to consider to ... calmly.... and rationally-- concentrate.... their minds now on....with Summitt. (SMM) ...(or with any Share for that matter !!)--

    .... Your actual Real Risk ....versus... the Real You are now being asked to Pay with Your Money -- ie: The Price ... (in this case for SMM-- the Investor is asked to now Pay..... and your ..... likely future predictable earnings Return... ..for paying that amount of money (price).... ....

    ....That is all.... That pure & simple.

    -Remember this-- SMM is only-- in a situation-- where the expected return in earnings--still only a ....

    ..."Maybe" and "Hopefully" category of earnings to you the investor as a Dollar return--

    It is not in thecategory-- of a Highly Probable ....on any mathematical understanding of the phrase: "Highly Probable".... category.

    And Summitt (in the above context)-- on the stock market is asking a quoted effective price for their SMM shares now; for you the inestor to pay up a share in something being quoted at --- $705, 000, !!

    That is a hugely High price...imo, given the available status and facts.

    Is that figure--$705, 000, 000 really ... at this stage-- truly reasonable, safe and appropriate...?

    -There is still --imo-- what jurors may call--a strong case for--"Reasonable doubt".

    There is NO high level of predictablility; for SMM currently, .....ANY .... stretch .....or use..... of that term.

    There is ....No.... reasonable certainty; for a return for SMM shareholders.

    None. None at all.

    -There are still real obstacles and real doubts ....and a significant percentage chance....of doubts based on emperical evidence-- on a number of real fronts....

    And any rational assessment of all of the real time facts-- that a real profit producing Mine is going to happen...???

    At best, we have a status NOW-- of a "maybe" situation-- happening "maybe" in many, many long years away-- and no guarantee it will ever open at all...

    .That is simply; an uncomfortable but ....needing to be stated ....Cold hard Fact....

    With SMM --at $795 m market cap now-- do remember--- that .....

    -There is no earnings --zero-- $$$--earnings this year (2007) ; to be seen THIS year, or next year(2008) , and probably the next year-(2009) - and even 2010 is heavilly in doubt....

    ie: NO earnings $$$--returns-- from this Investment-- to come from Summit any circumstances that time period.

    And yet the market is NOW--asking YOU now-- for $705 millions to invest in this company. ..... hmmmmm.....

    At the very least..... do consider and ..... Think .....about that.

    A couple of points. --

    Firstly; let me state from the outset-- that my understanding... is that SMM is a fabulous ...."potential" ....Uranium Mine.

    Repeat a fabulous first rate .... "potential" ..... Uranium mine.

    -"P" here may stand for two similar words...... ."possible" and "potential"...

    And that "potential" mine is still some years the very very least..... down the track.

    I think that is at least broadly "common ground" .....and hard to reasonably dispute....

    In my last post..... I was simply ruminating ....on the "discounted for risk" calibration and calculation-- in that "Potential" and the risks asociated with that potential-- Given the higher the Market Capitalization on ANY stock--Mining, Industrial, Technical, --any stock-- the Higher the Market Capitalization -- then the higher is the potential Risk -- if the certainity of future earnings--- is assessessed alongside the decision to allocate scarce capital--(Investors further Money)-- to that Actual Investment.

    With Summitt, (SMM)now --imo---At a giddly High Market capitalization-- NOW of $705, 000,000-- investors/speculators are now saying effectively-- that the Business enterprise..... which is Summitt Ltd --(SMM) --will confidently & predictably now return to them--???? --as a business return.... and return on YOUR Money and capital employed-- a true NET profit of:

    ---wait for it-- $50, 000, 000-- or probably a Earnings Before Interest and Tax of ....
    approx $75, 000, 000 for the next 15 years....

    Wow--!! That is a "Big call" make that a HUGE call-- --at this stage !!

    ...Wow... That is a Huge call.

    That is a totally massive.... "leap" of confidence-- for the sort of Price that Summitt is asking-- imo.... at this point in time... ie:... now...

    -- Now that price may be a more jsutified case.... At a future point of time--when there are more facts and certaintly and data.... when guaranteed mining is so much more guaranteed and nearer....

    AND --repeat and--a Bankeable Feasibility study is formally completed--indicating a neutral third party assessment of likely Financial dollar returns -- given the cost of infrasturcture-- and for how long those returns will likely to be-- from a future actual mine....

    The point I am NOW only making is simply this.

    It is called simply-- a correct asessment of:Value versus Risk.

    or... to elaborate on Value versus Risk....

    .... The actual Real Risk ....versus... the Price.... You the Investor is asked to; and her/his.....(read: "Your" ...real--??-- likely future predictable Return... for paying that ACTUAL amount of money....which is at risk until you get back your return.

    That simple.

    How 95% + DEPENDABLE..... and PREDICATABLE.... is it ....that Summitt Ltd (SMM) , ....will become a Mine.... say in the next 2-3 years-- ???

    And give you the Investor; at least a Clear Net Return... to you the SMM Shareholder of $50, 000, 000 per this stage-- ???..

    (2) And has the adjusted risk factors all appropriately been taken into account ....given that at this stage.... their are "some--??"-- political obstacles in the way-- and that their is.... NO.... actual Mine this year (2007) , unlikely the following year--(2008) and probably even the following--(2009) ---would a Producing Mine exporting Uranium be due when--let us say 2010-2011 at the very earliest...? -- and how guaranteed is even that. ..??

    (3) Are their any Other future risks ....that "might" ...impede that...?

    (4) Have those risks---

    (a) prudently,

    (b) judiciously

    (c) rationally,

    (d) conservatively and

    (e) safely ....

    been now factored into...??-- the Current Market Capitalization and Share Price-- of Summitt Ltd (SMM) NOW justify the basis of its current.... Market Capitalization--??

    Remember the central point in investing...

    .... YOur actual Real Risk ....versus... the Real Price ...You pay for your Investment-- (in this case for SMM-- the Investor is asked to now Pay..... and her/his..... likely future predictable Return... for paying that very High amount of money (price)....

    Namely that SMM --- will predictably--- and certainly... Return to SMM Shareholders a Return on Capital..... of $50, 000, 000 per annum for 15 uninterrupted years...???

    --Maybe it has...??--

    (5) But for me..... the Risk now.... in the Summitt (SMM) story--as a calculation ....of Risk versus Reward.... because of the Share Price... that Summitt is ....Now being --imo-- so highly quoted at--(not becuase of the intrinsic value.... or otherwise.... of the Summitt Uranium quality... or otherwise....)-- versus the potential future justification in share price increase is now --imo---FAR, far, stretching the Rational limits...

    Especialy also; given the actual stage Summitt is only now at-- and the other political and infrastructure barriers that confront not just Summitt but any other POTENTIAL-- note the word ...."potential" --....not now or very very soon-- up & Running and Proven-- ....future profitable... income earning ....mines....

    Just keep asking --HONESTLY and slowly and calmly-- the question yourselves folks...

    And especialy this question: ....

    ....Your actual Real Risk ....versus... the Real Price ... (in this case for SMM-- the Investor -- YOU --are now being asked to now Pay.....with your Money-- and your ..... likely future predictable Return...???

    You are now being asked to pay remember-- with YOUR money-- that very High amount of money (price).... for a "maybe" return...

    (5) And where is NOW-- ???-- the Bankeable feasibility study to justify that Summitt Ltd will return ....a clear ....Net of tax and interest and Huge Mining Infrastructure and Running Costs- to give a bottom line of $50, 000, 000 Cold Profits-- per annum for 15 years straight. ..??

    (7) Is the "entire" -- yes ENTIRE-- Summitt Uranium Resource--- at the highest Measured JORC Grade -- now and currently-- or are they only progressing on that front--...?? ?? --for a current whoppingly high asking price of:

    $700 mill. ++ Geeee.... One would hope so...

    (8) Has a cost of future mining Infrastructure and Development of the Mine being done yet, and has this been audited..?

    (9) At these current Market Cap levels-- $700m. --- an investor is paying when she buys a share of Summitt limited a share in company being "valued" at namely--$700, 000, 000 -- say that figure slowly-- seven hundred millions of dollars for what right now...???

    For a "hope" and.... a maybe" or ....something more certain than that....???

    Is it true or untrue ---???_- that SMM is not producing a zac today, tomorrow, or anytime this year (2007), or next year (2008) or probably the next (2010)-- -- and yet is is actually being priced NOW-- at a whopping ---$700, 000, 000....???

    -- (10)-- Is that Price Justified --NOW--...???

    Is that price REALLy justified and Safe, and currently now brilliant value--to you the rational investor...??

    And what does that PRICE imply-??

    Possible Answer -It implies ....a return of at least $50, 000, 000 NET Profit to shareholders guaranteed...

    Ask yourselves again:

    With SMM ...."at these prices" (705M dolars) ...waht is ...
    -- ....Your actual Real Risk ....versus... the Real Price ... (in this case for SMM-- the Investor -- YOU --are asked to now Pay..... and her/his..... likely future predictable Return... that You are now being asked to pay with YOUR money-- that very High amount of money (price).... for a "maybe" return...

    -How "guaranteed"--

    is that $50, 000, 000-- Return per year to the SMM shareholder-- for the next 15 years...?

    Or should it the very least.... give you-- the share holder -- at least-- some PAUSE.... for some deep thought and reflection....??

    Just think-- for yourselves-- with a calculator-- steadily, closely, calmly and rationally and objectively-- and think of what the $700, 000, 000 Price now being asked for SMM-- now does imply for any current Summitt investor....????--

    ie: imo-- $700 Mill. is a lot of Money !! --

    ...especially to being asked to pay for something so... far.... far, away from producing a single ... at this stage-- what can only be described as a : "Maybe & Hopefully.. but still uncertain both in terms or whether, how and when ... future single Dollar...??...

    Frankly I Get back again and again to this:

    ....Your actual Real Risk ....versus... the Real Price ... (in this case for SMM-- the Investor -- YOU --are asked to now Pay..... and her/his..... likely future predictable Return... YOu are now being asked to pay with YOUR money-- that very High amount of money (price).... for a "maybe" return...

    -Okay so do we keep jacking the price up more...

    If you pay yours moneies now.. should Smm tommorow be "valued at another 30% $4.64-- which is to say to 1000, 000, 000 dollars -- that is one (1) Billion with a "b" dollars.... !!

    All I suggest; is that people considering SMM--at these very high prices-- do at least ...Now ASK-- these questions...??

    -And then draw, YOUR own.... rational ....and objective safe conclusions....

    Kindest Regards,

    Robbo .

    Views expressed in and on this Internet Chat Site Forum, as expressed above are; explicitly unwarranted, and expressed on a strictly: ‘Without Prejudice’ basis.. These views are only personal opinions and speculations, are definitely not warranted, in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their accuracy or veracity. These opinions & correspondences, expressed in this email and/or on this internet site are only the writer’s tentative thoughts and opinions only. Remember, they are, nothing more than that. These views are not…. (Repeat: ‘not’ …)…to be read as being, or even forming any form whatsoever of investment recommendation, general or specific. Instead, they are just simply personal ideas and opinions, and to repeat, are NOT to be read, taken, or interpreted as financial advice. These expressed opinions written here, are not warranted in any way whatsoever, either expressed or implied, for their, authenticity, or likely predictive outcome. Therefore, these comments are highly subjective, not the basis of officially authorized research, and are therefore likely to be prejudiced by the writers own opinions, perceptions, interests, and outlook. As a result, these views may be prone to errors, as they are not objective, or official in any way, and, have not been checked by an authorized third party, and are possibly incomplete, ill informed and/or inaccurate. With this in mind, the author repeatedly reminds readers, that these opinions expressed here; are strictly on a “Without Prejudice” basis only. Remember readers, to read these opinions as just one of many expressed personal subjective thoughts and ideas, in the ‘common market-place of ideas’—and to read these views in this light and as only that. Readers must recognize that, as these views, are only one viewpoint among many possible other viewpoints, they are therefore at best; only the author’s own highly subjective whimsical thoughts, impressions, and intuitions. You therefore ought not, repeat ‘not’, to rely upon these views for any form of advice or counsel. Instead, you are responsible for your own decisions. Readers must also note that, as with all expressed opinions, they are definitely open to discussion and refutation, as well as the logical weighing and consideration of other alternative interpretations and viewpoints. For any investment decision, the writer urges readers to conduct their own independent and separate investigations and research, and always seek their own qualified and authorized third party independent financial advice, before coming to an informed decision.

    Kindest Regards,


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