just watching Obama's farewell speech, page-15

  1. 10,410 Posts.
    Fact Check:

    . Actually his name is Barack Hussein Obama ... and wasn't the middle name appropriate given his pro-islamist stance
    . The economy under Barry. He added as much public debt in his 8 years as all previous Presidents since a George Washington combined. Google it ... there are a wealth of sources. He increased debt by $9 Trillion
    . The markets are surging because Barry's term has come to an end and he isn't being replaced by another Democrat. The Trump Surge is self evident to anyone who follows the markets
    . Agreed, he is a brilliant orator. As a POTUS though, history will judge him harshly. Ineffective on domestic issues; a total menace on the world stage.

    Barry was Gillard or Rudd with more eloquence.
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